Quite common, especially from the age of fifty, vertigo is a condition that causes the affected person to feel unbalanced. Thus, when vertigo occurs, everything seems to turn, oscillate and move around you, even with your eyes closed. In the affected subject, the vestibular system, which corresponds to the organ of balance, is disturbed, which therefore gives rise to the appearance of vertigo.
How does vertigo manifest itself?
It is possible to distinguish several types of vertigo with different origins. Nevertheless, whatever the origin, vertigo causes a more or less significant balance disorder. The sensations felt can be temporary or accompanied by vision problems as well as coordination difficulties in the muscles. Finally, in some cases, pain may appear in the neck and back muscles.
What homeopathic treatments should be adopted in case of vertigo?
Regardless of the type of vertigo observed, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Phosphorus 9 CH every hour, from the beginning of the attack. For a long-term treatment, it is possible to limit yourself to 3 granules twice a day. For better therapeutic effectiveness, it is recommended to combine Phosphorus with the intake of Bryonia alba 9 CH, at a rate of 5 granules every hour.
If dizziness is accompanied by nausea, vagotonia, or vomiting, Cocculus indicus is advised. If the vertigo is characterized by rotations of the head, then it is preferable to opt for Conium maculatum, while in case of great intolerance to noise, the most appropriate remedy is Theridion curassavicum. Finally, if the vertigo worsens when you wake up, Cocculus Alumina will be much more effective.
When to see a doctor?
If vertigo is accompanied by hearing loss, blurred vision, difficulty walking or other more or less serious neurological symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor immediately. Similarly, if despite homeopathic treatment the symptoms persist, it is recommended to turn to a health professional to determine the origin of the disorder. In some cases, it can worsen and lead to strokes.