A plant native to the Asian continent, Cocculus Indicus is a shrub of the Menispermaceae family. It contains picrotoxin, a neurotoxic poison. In homeopathy, it is used, after annihilation and complete eradication of its toxicity, for the development of a remedy to treat mainly neurological diseases. Indeed, its strain is first macerated in alcohol and then diluted and vigorously shaken several times to be energized.
Cocculus Indicus is recommended in cases of dysfunction of the spinal cord, the brain and the nerves that start from these two organs to innervate the body. It is therefore the most appropriate remedy for cerebrospinal meningitis. It also helps relieve migraines and dizziness that occur after trauma or during pregnancy and is therefore effective in treating Meniere's disease, which is characterized by dizziness and earaches. In addition, Cocculus Indicus can also be used in cases of spasmophilia following hyperexcitability, cramps, tetany characterized by irregular muscle tremors or neuralgia occurring or worsening due to extreme sensitivity to smells and noises.
Behavioral Disorders
Cocculus Indicus is effective against depression, hysteria, nervous exhaustion, anxiety, and anguish. It is suitable for irritable, sensitive or very sad subjects. Apart from that, it is also prescribed in the event of uncontrollable gestures resulting from a state of extreme nervous, moral or psychological fatigue or prostration.
Cocculus Indicus improves the health of women with menstrual disorders. Indeed, it treats dysmenorrhea accompanied by irritability, nervousness and migraine. It is recommended for women who have heavy and painful periods or light periods, irregular periods accompanied by spasms. In addition, this remedy is also beneficial when bloating or weakness of the lower extremities occurs during the menstrual cycle.
In addition, in the obstetric field, Cocculus Indicus also treats leucorrhoea, nausea aggravated by strong odors and dizziness caused by pregnancy. It is effective against odour hyperesthesia, hypersialorrhea, hypersalivation and vomiting.
Recommended dosage in case of neurological pathologies
For particularly severe vertigo, take five granules of Cocculus Indicus 9 CH two to four times a day. However, to treat post-traumatic vertigo, use three granules of Cocculus Indicus 9 CH twice a day. In addition, in case of tetany, administer three granules of Cocculus Indicus 5 CH every five to fifteen minutes, depending on the severity and intensity of the spasms. The doses would then be spaced out more widely if the patient's condition improves.
Recommended dosage in case of behavioural disorders
Behavioural disorders resulting from acute nervous exhaustion are treated by taking 7 grains of Cocculus Indicus 200 K at bedtime. However, those following motion sickness are treated with three granules of Cocculus Indicus 9 CH that the subject will place under his tongue before departure and/or when he feels unwell.
Recommended dosage for gynaecological and obstetric disorders
If bloating occurs during menstruation, suck on three granules of Cocculus Indicus 5 CH before each meal. When menstruation is heavy and black in colour and is accompanied by spasmodic pain, melt three granules of Cocculus Indicus 9 CH in the mouth every five to ten minutes, depending on the intensity of the pain, and space out the doses if they improve. And, in the event that the pregnant woman suffers from nausea, vomiting and painful bloating, she should resort to two granules of Cocculus Indicus 9 CH twice a day, preferably before meals.