Lobelia inflata, an effective homeopathic remedy for respiratory, digestive and toxicological disorders

Lobelia inflata is a homeopathic remedy obtained from a plant also known as Indian tobacco. It is recommended for the treatment of certain gastric and respiratory pathologies.

Lobelia inflata, also known as Indian tobacco, is a herbaceous plant native to North America. From the Campanulaceae family, lobelia contain an alkaloid, lobeline, which homeopathy uses to treat various digestive, respiratory, and toxicological disorders. A tobacco substitute, lobelia inflata is often prescribed to help smokers wean themselves off tobacco.

Lobelia inflata, a plant with multiple virtues

In the lobelia family, there are about 300 species, including lobelia inflata, which is mainly found in the Appalachian Mountains, a mountain range in North America. A herbaceous plant that can reach a metre in height, it has oval and toothed leaves of about 8 cm and stems covered with tiny hairs. Its purple flowers are tinged with yellow.

The preparation of Lobelia inflata is mainly made from the above-ground parts of the plant that contain lobeline. It is an alkaloid that acts, among other things, on the bulbar respiratory center and has antispasmodic effects. Used in too high a dose, the remedy Lobelia inflata has a sympathomimetic action that can be harmful.

Disorders relieved and treated by Lobelia inflata

The homeopathic remedy Lobelia inflata is mainly indicated for the relief of nausea, whether one is prone to violent vomiting with failure of the heart and breathing or nausea due to pregnancy. It is also used to relieve feelings of puncture in the stomach, but also to treat swallowing disorders and problems affecting the throat, such as the frequent need to peel off mucus to clear the throat. Lobelia inflata also has antispasmodic effects and acts on headaches and dizziness. Thanks to its bronchodilator effects, this product is used to treat difficult breathing or even asthmatic breathing.

Recommended dosages

Pregnant women who experience frequent nausea should take 5 granules of Lobelia inflata 5 CH, as many times as the symptoms return in a day. The dosage is the same for other disorders. For smoking cessation, the smoker will take a dose of 3 granules of 4 CH to 15 CH each time the desire to smoke takes hold, depending on the level of smoking reached.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Lobelia inflata deserves to be listed among the first aid remedies. Indeed, the indisposition caused by nausea can find a quick and lasting solution thanks to this homeopathic remedy.

  1. Lobelia inflata, a plant wit ...
  2. Disorders relieved and treat ...
  3. Recommended dosages
