Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «H»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "H", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "H"

Witch Hazel Virginiana

Hamamelis Virginiana is a homeopathic remedy derived from witch hazel, a plant native to America that has long been used by Indians for its many therapeutic properties. In homeopathy, it is the medicine par excellence to treat the majority of venous pathologies. It is particularly recommended in case of varicose veins and heavy legs. His field of action also extends to proctology, insofar as hemorrhoids are varicose formations. Finally, Hamamelis Virginiana can be used in case of eye pain related to retinopathy.

Hekla Lava

Hekla Lava is effective in treating foot and leg pain. It cures infections related to the heel spur. Hekla Lava gives significant results against stomatological infections. Homeopaths prescribe it to patients suffering from depression or with a lack of appetite. Treatment with Hekla Lava can last up to six months, especially for foot conditions. Note that the majority of illnesses can be treated in 60 days.

Helonias dioica

Helonias dioica is a homeopathic remedy of plant origin, made from a substance extracted from the bulbs of Helonias. Like its use in phytotherapy, this remedy is mainly indicated in gynaecology and is particularly prescribed in cases of vaginal yeast infection. The homeopathic remedy makes it possible to treat the infection while fighting against the proliferation of fungi. Helonias dioica is also effective in treating many unpleasant symptoms that accompany menstruation. It also helps to remedy certain forms of menstrual disorders. Helonias dioica is particularly suitable in the case of abnormally heavy periods. Finally, it would also be prescribed in the event of uterine prolapse and in particular to remedy the painful sensations that result from it.


Hematuria is a medical term that means the presence of blood in the urine. The organs related to the urinary tract are at the origin of this bleeding and the disease affects people of both sexes. Macroscopic hematuria is visible to the naked eye, whereas microscopic hematuria is detectable only after screening. Traces of blood may appear at the beginning, at the end or throughout urination. Various homeopathic remedies are recommended to treat and cure hematuria.


Many people suffer from chronic bleeding such as nosebleeds, poor healing of a wound or a digestive disorder. These conditions can quickly become disabling, which is why it is recommended to use homeopathy to cure them. Each infection has an adequate remedy and the doses must be adhered to perfectly. If the bleeding is too great, it is best to call the emergency services immediately. Similarly, it is advisable to consult a homeopath for long-term treatments. One reason is that sometimes it is necessary to change the remedy or dosage.


There are two types of hemorrhoids, including internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Even if their symptoms depend most of the time on their stage of evolution, they often manifest themselves in excruciating pain in the anus but also in bloody stools. Fortunately, they can be effectively treated with homeopathy. Indeed, some homeopathic remedies can relieve the pain caused by this disease and others are used for long-term treatment. However, for them to be effective, hemorrhoids must be diagnosed in time and the patient's condition must be closely monitored by a doctor.


Often seen in children, hemosiderosis is a disease that can also affect adults. It is characterized by the accumulation of insoluble ferric hydroxide pigments in organic tissues, including the liver and lungs. In the patient, this disease manifests itself as bloody sputum and permanent coughing. Ferrum Metallicum is one of the recommended homeopathic treatments for this disease. Indeed, this remedy makes it possible to quickly fill the patient's iron deficiency, but also to invigorate him thanks to the strengthening of his immune defenses.

Hepar sulfuris calcareum

Better known as Hepar sulfur, Hepar sulfuris calcareum is a homeopathic remedy that is obtained from the crushing of mineral strains. Often recommended in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, ENT disorders and respiratory diseases, this drug is particularly used in the treatment of pathologies leading to the formation of pus. Apart from these main indications, it is useful to know that Hepar sulfuris calcareum is more suitable for people who are excessively emotional and sensitive, as well as have an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. As a result, although it fights just as effectively against acute manifestations, this remedy is ideal for combating chronic and recurrent conditions. In addition, it is good to know that Hepar sulfuris calcareum is also suitable for combating certain forms of ophthalmological, gynecological and urological disorders.


Hepatitis is an irritation of the liver that can result from infection or poor hygienic behavior. Depending on the level of impairment of the disease, it is said to be either acute or chronic. Abdominal pain, yellowing, abnormalities in stool and urine should prompt the individual to consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis to which allopathic treatment can be associated. For more effectiveness, it is advisable to complete this treatment with homeopathic treatments.


A hernia is a mass formed by a part of an organ that has come out of the cavity that normally contains it. It presents differently depending on the organic predispositions of each individual and there are several types, including hiatal hernia, inguinal hernia and herniated disc. There are many homeopathic remedies available today to effectively treat the manifestations of a hiatal hernia. However, it is important to have medical check-ups to benefit from appropriate treatment.


Herpangina is an acute throat condition that is usually caused by group A Coxsackie virus. This disease, which mainly affects infants and children aged 1 to 10 years, manifests itself with high fever, tonsillitis, as well as stomatal and skin disorders. Although herpangina is generally not serious, it requires the administration of painkillers and it is with this in mind that homeopathy is a therapeutic alternative of choice. However, in the event of severe symptoms or ineffectiveness of gentle therapy, a medical consultation is more than necessary.


Herpes is a viral disease caused by HSV. Its manifestations are not only painful but also unsightly. Skin lesions appear on various parts of the body, but the most feared are those that affect the genitals. In this regard, it should be noted that herpes can be the cause of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Homeopathic methods can effectively treat the disease.


Hidradenitis or Verneuil's disease is characterized by a series of various symptoms, the most common of which are abscesses and skin nodules. This pathology is very inconvenient insofar as it interferes with the social activities of the affected subject. Nevertheless, it is important to know that homeopathy can effectively treat the symptoms of this disease. Among the homeopathic remedies advocated are Thuya occidentalis and Belladona. The former helps relieve irritation while Belladona helps reduce the formation of pus within abscesses.


When in contact with an allergen of any origin, leukocytes release histamine into the body. It is this substance that is responsible for the appearance of allergic reactions. It is this same substance that will be used in the manufacture of the homeopathic remedy Histaminum. Thanks to the principle of similarity, Histamineum homeopathy helps to reduce the symptoms accompanying allergic reactions. These reactions can be due to an airborne allergen, food intolerance, insect bite, or bite. Histaminum is particularly suitable for sun allergy problems. In short, this homeopathic remedy acts as a real antihistamine because it directly opposes the production and action of histamine, thus allowing the body to overcome the allergy.


Hiccups are an involuntary reaction of the vocal cord caused by the contraction of the nerves in the diaphragm. Very uncomfortable, especially when the attacks recur frequently, hiccups can disappear on their own. But in some cases, the hiccups become persistent and the attacks last for a long time. In order to treat it, homeopathy has several remedies whose effects help both stop the attacks and alleviate the symptoms. Nevertheless, before opting for a remedy, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor or homeopath.

Hura brasiliensis

Hura brasiliensis is a homeopathic remedy that has been used for centuries. Obtained from the latex of the elastic hourglass, this medication is ideally suited for relieving and treating inflammation and irritation in proctology. Indeed, these manifestations can follow disorders relating to the elimination of stools, alternating constipation and diarrhoea. Hura brasiliensis is also used in dermatology where it is indicated to treat skin irritation accompanied by blisters and itching.


Hydarthrosis is most commonly known as synovial effusion and is a symptom of inflammation in the knee. This inflammation can cause an effusion of a viscous fluid that may contain calcium or uric acid crystals. Hydarthrosis also occurs after trauma. To treat hydarthrosis, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Apis mellifica 9 CH and 5 granules of Bryonia alba 9 CH, at a rate of three doses per day. The appearance of a fever or excessive pain requires a medical consultation.

Hydrastis Canadensis

Hydrastis Canadensis is a homeopathic remedy derived from a plant of the Ranunculaceae family that grows in the forests of North America and especially Canada. It is used for the treatment of attack of many diseases, especially for cases of mucous membrane infections with yellowish and viscous secretions. It is recommended in the treatment of more or less serious ENT and gastric disorders. It is also prescribed in states of great fatigue and precancerous states as well as in mental and psychological disorders. The dosage of the remedy is defined according to the ailments treated. Generally speaking, for infections, the dosage is 5 granules of Hydrastis Canadensis 5 CH 3 times a day.

Hydrocyanicum acidum

The homeopathic remedy Hydrocyanicum acidum is prepared from hydrocyanic acid, a bitter substance with an almond taste, which can be toxic and deadly if ingested at more than 50 mg in the body. This remedy, mainly used for the treatment of respiratory disorders, is also effective in treating syncope and Quranites, which are diseases almost always associated with respiratory disorders. For each case of disease, a dosage is recommended. Other homeopathic remedies such as Carbo vegetabilis and Opium can be combined with the treatment in certain cases of pathologies for a quick and clear improvement.

Hyoscyamus, Niger

Hyoscyamus Niger is a medicine whose homeopathic strain comes from the black henbane. This plant contains toxic substances that give it its therapeutic properties. It is used to treat behavioral disorders. It is given to people who are nervous or paranoid. Hyoscyamus Niger also helps to calm night terrors in young children as well as coughing and hiccupping attacks. The dosages are prescribed by the homeopathic doctor who will then adapt the specific treatment for each symptom.


Hyperalgesia or hyperalgesia or hyperesthesia is an excessive sensitivity to pain. In most cases, it is the involuntary transformation of an ordinary sensation into a painful perception. There are many causes that can trigger hyperalgia, but it is usually the result of a sensorineural dysfunction in the nervous system. This is how hyperalgia can affect any part of the body. After diagnosis, homeopathy can be used, which has many remedies that have proven to be effective in the treatment of many forms of hyperalgia.


Hyperhidrosis is a poorly understood disease. Diagnosed and accepted, it can be easily treated. Homeopathy provides an adequate treatment that attacks the disease at its root and makes it possible to act on the probable causes of the disease while eliminating its symptoms, in particular its essential manifestation, which is the excessive production of sweat. Different homeopathic treatments are possible: symptomatic (smells, sweating) or targeting the causes of the condition (emotionality or stress, fever, illness, obesity, physical exertion, hormonal imbalances).

Hypericum Perforatum

Formulated with "St. John's wort", a magical plant with miraculous properties, Hypericum Perforatum is recommended in various homeopathic treatments. This remedy cures not only neurological pathologies but also dermatological and traumatological pathologies. Indeed, Hypericum Perforatum, acting on neurotransmitters, is ideal for treating depression, mood changes or melancholy. Moreover, its action on the nervous system gives it an effective therapeutic property against anxiety, dizziness, sleep disorders, headaches, coccydinia, bites, etc. But in addition, thanks to its healing properties, Hypericum Perforatum is indicated for treating photosensitization, photodermatosis, shingles or leucitis. To be taken in different doses and at different frequencies (5 to 30 CH, 2 to 8 daily doses) depending on the nature of the symptoms.


Hyperlipidemia is a condition that shows an excess of lipids in the blood, i.e. a high level of cholesterol and triglycerides. This problem occurs when the diet is not balanced and sugars and fats predominate. Some foods, unlike others, provide good cholesterol, which does not have a negative effect on the arteries and is used for certain functions in the body. Homeopathic medicines are a means of treatment for every symptom that hyperlipidemia causes.

Bronchial hyperreactivity

Bronchial hyperreactivity is a reaction of the bronchial wall to an attack, which then becomes clogged with mucus. It can have several origins, including physical causes such as the use of pharmacological products or after intense exercise. Bronchial hyperreactivity can manifest itself in asthma attacks. In this case, the causes can be various such as allergy, air pollution or smoking. The use of homeopathic remedies helps to alleviate the symptoms and cure the disease.

High blood pressure

In the majority of cases, high blood pressure goes unnoticed and hypertensive people do not even suspect the development of the disease, until the appearance of alarming signs such as choking or headaches. However, if the diagnosis is late, hypertension becomes chronic, accompanied by various underlying and often very dangerous disorders, such as cardiovascular problems. Generally, the symptoms of hypertension are different from one patient to another, and the pathologies it causes are not always the same. This can consist of kidney failure or heart disease, etc. Thanks to homeopathy, we can have a whole selection of remedies that can overcome the disorders caused by hypertension. Obviously, only a consultation with a homeopath can determine the type of homeopathic treatment adapted to each case of high blood pressure.


Characterized by a high content of uric acid in the blood, hyperuricemia is associated with gout. Indeed, when uric acid is found at a higher than normal level in the blood, crystals form in the joints that cause the appearance of redness and pain. Often due to too high a consumption of fatty meat or alcohol, hyperuricemia can however be effectively treated with homeopathy. To do this, take the recommended dose of Belladonna, Apis mellifica, Ledum Palustre, Sepia, Colchicum, Ranunculus, Colchicum, Urtica, Lycopodium and Nux vomica.

Hypodermitis varicose veins

To treat varicose hypodermitis with homeopathy, it is first necessary to determine the symptoms of the disease. This would make it easier to evaluate the homeopathic remedy that is most suitable for the different symptoms. If the inflammation affects the deep blood vessels, nodules can develop quickly under the skin. In this case, Carbo Vegetabilis can cure the inflammation. To treat heavy legs, several homeopathic remedies can be effective.