Treating hepatitis with homeopathy

Of viral, bacterial, parasitic or other origin, hepatitis is not a disease to be neglected. A medical diagnosis followed by appropriate homeopathic care can avoid any risk of cirrhosis or liver cancer that can be developed.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It can be acute, i.e. lasting less than 6 months, or chronic when it lasts longer. In addition, there are several types of hepatitis with various origins. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E are the most familiar, but only hepatitis A seems harmless. All other forms of hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer if they are not detected and treated in time.

The main causes of hepatitis

Hepatitis can result from a viral, bacterial or parasitic infection. Infection can occur through the digestive tract (in the case of hepatitis A), sexual and/or blood (in the case of hepatitis B and C). But there are also cases of hepatitis of alcoholic, toxic or drug-induced origin. Whatever the cause and type of hepatitis, it is important to remember that it attacks and gradually destroys the liver.

Symptoms associated with hepatitis

The causes of hepatitis can be varied, but the different types of hepatitis have symptoms that are common to them. Indeed, an affected person usually has yellow skin and eyes: this is jaundice. The urine is dark and the stools are quite light, abundant and/or fetid. Diarrhoea sometimes occurs, the patient may suffer from constant nausea and regularly complain of pain in the belly. Vomiting and extreme fatigue are also to be feared. Digestive disorders are also observed. It should be noted that in some cases, particularly hepatitis C, the pathology appears without any prior symptoms.

Homeopathic treatments

Apart from the case of hepatitis A, homeopathic treatments for hepatitis cannot replace conventional treatments. It is an additional method to allopathic therapy. A combination of Phosphorus Triidodatus 5 CH combined with Lycopodium Clavatum 5 CH promotes healing.

The Phosphorus 12 CH and 200 CH granules are used to treat hepatitis B as an adjunct. It should be noted that this is a type of disease from which we can never be cured, we are immune to it in the best of cases. To relieve each of the symptoms associated with it, the homeopath may indicate specific remedies.

Hepatitis C is very often diagnosed in its final phase. Homeopathic treatments are then only used to alleviate digestive disorders, vomiting, diarrhoea and other disorders. Caruus Marianus, Nux Vomica 5 CH and Veratum Album 5 CH are the main recommended treatments.

When to see a doctor?

At the slightest symptom, it is recommended to get tested if you have had a risky health life in the past: intravenous drug use, transfusion of blood from a person with hepatitis, dialysis, etc. Even children born to infected parents should not trivialize the slightest sign, as well as medical staff exposed to the risk of contamination.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


To treat hepatitis, homeopathy is recommended as a complementary treatment to allopathy and not as a substitute. Only medical examinations will make it possible, depending on the stage of development of the disease, to determine the appropriate remedies.

  1. The main causes of hepatitis
  2. Symptoms associated with hep ...
  3. Homeopathic treatments
  4. When to see a doctor?

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