Arsenicum Album is derived from arsenic anhydrous and is a greyish powder that is diluted in water. It is a product derived from Arsenic, which is highly prized in homeopathy for its many virtues. It is obtained by isolating nickel, cobalt and steel contained in arsenic at very high temperatures. The powder obtained in this way will then be diluted in lactose to remove the last residues of Arsenic in the product. Arsenicum album is called polychrest in homeopathy because it can be used in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, this product is used in dermatology, neurology, urology and many others.
Arsenicum album is well known for its necrotizing properties on tissues and this property is used to treat many diseases. This is the case in dentistry where Arsenicum album is used in the devitalization of the teeth. Canker sores, gingivitis, and dry mouth can also be treated with this homeopathic medicine. This necrotizing property is also used for problems of the digestive system and the respiratory system. Among other things, inflammation of the vessels and anemia can be treated with Arsenicum album.
At the dermatological level, Arsenicum album can be used to treat rashes caused by burns. Indeed, this product has an eliminatory virtue on the appendages and the skin. It is also effective against dandruff, including removing scalp psoriasis, shingles, herpes, impetigo, dermatitis and other skin diseases.
Arsenicum album to relieve organic disorders
Arsenicum album is very effective in the homeopathic treatment of disorders of the internal organs, especially the central nervous system. Arsenicum album has an elective action on this organ, which allows it to reduce anxiety, pessimism and night anxieties. Arsenicum album can also be used to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma, as well as various lung disorders. As for the digestive system, it reduces the pain caused by food poisoning. In the case of gastroenteritis, it is important to know that this remedy acts on the microorganisms responsible for inflammation of the intestine and stomach.
Indications in acute pathology
Arsenicum album is also recommended for the treatment of disorders such as acute cystitis. The drug facilitates urination thanks to its necrotizing action on the cells responsible for this disease. Infections of the uterus as well as vaginitis can also be treated with Arsenicum album. However, treatment must be accompanied by antibiotics to effectively eradicate the virus.
Arsenicum album can also be used as an adjunct to a main treatment, homeopathic or medicinal, so it can be used to treat certain symptoms, secondary symptoms can accompany a disease. Thus, for example, it can remedy sensations of extreme weakness and burning sensations. This drug is also suitable in the case where the patient has excessive sweating alternated by feelings of great thirst. Finally, the patient's anxiety can also be reduced thanks to Arsenicum album.
Recommended dosages
Taking Arsenicum album is always recommended with a doctor's prescription. As a result, only the homeopath is authorized to define the doses according to the severity and type of the pathology. The rule of thumb for consuming this medication is to do so outside of meals and avoid stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, and mint.
For acute pathologies, the intake of 5 granules of Arsenicum album 9CH every four hours is recommended. Depending on the improvement in the patient's condition, the doses may be spaced out and decreased little by little. For the treatment of food poisoning, three granules of Arsenicum album 9CH every hour are recommended until healing. In addition, a dose of Arsenicum album 12CH every three days for three weeks is the recommended dosage against shingles.
Finally, to combat problems related to emotional instability (excessive anxiety, permanent stress, depression, etc.), taking three granules of Arsenicum album 9CH three times a day is recommended until the patient's condition improves. In any case, it is important to remember that the dosage depends mainly on the disease and that it is always best to have the advice of a specialist before using Arsenicum album.