Alleviating neuralgia with homeopathy

Whether caused by trauma, injury, or an infectious disease, neuralgia can be easily calmed with several homeopathic remedies.

Neuralgia is a disease characterized by inflammation of a nerve. It is the cause of intense pain located in the path of the latter or nerve ramifications. Generally, it is caused by the shingles virus, in which case it is called postherpetic neuralgia, or by infections. However, it can also be traumatic or psychosomatic. There are several types of neuralgia including facial neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia and sciatic neuralgia, all of which can be effectively treated with homeopathy.

Symptoms of neuralgia

Neuralgia mainly manifests itself as intense pain in one part of the body. The throbbing it causes can be likened to burning, tearing, pressure or numbness. They are sometimes bearable, sometimes intolerable and sometimes violent. In most cases, they result in partial paralysis of the affected limb. Neuralgia can be spontaneous, continuous, intermittent or periodic. It is also possible that it is aggravated or improved by various factors.

Treatment to follow depending on the location of the pain

For the treatment of crampoid pain that is located in the sciatic nerve and is not felt by the patient when he or she makes flexion movements, Colocynthis 15 CH is quite indicated. The dosage will then be five granules, to be taken four to six times a day. And for the treatment of throbbing felt in the cranial nerve which radiates to the scalp and face and which are often accompanied by a headache, five granules of China Rubra 15 CH, to be administered every 3 hours, are the most recommended.

In case of localized pain in the neck and arm, five granules of Kalmia or Aconite 5 or 9 CH, to be sucked on once a day, are recommended. However, in the case of orbital or periorbital neuralgia characterized by throbbing in the muscles of the eye and accompanied by a series of jerky spasms, five granules of Cinnabaris 15 CH, to be melted in the mouth two to four times a day, depending on the intensity of the pain, are recommended. In addition, if the throbbing is located below the orbit, four granules of Belladonna 4 CH to be placed under the tongue every hour are recommended. The intake will then be spaced out according to the improvement of the disease.

Treatment to follow depending on the location of the pain

If the pain is confined to the left eyelid and intensifies due to body movement, use three granules of Spigelia 4 CH three times a day. And if they radiate along the left lower limb, it is better to administer three granules of Spigelia 5 CH once a day. However, if they are located on the right eyelid, three granules of Ranunculus Bulbosus 9 CH should be taken three times a day. And if in addition, neuralgia affects the muscle of the right shoulder, it is advisable to suck three granules of Sanguinaria 9 CH once a day.

Treatment to follow depending on the cause of the pain

If the neuralgia was caused by shock, put three granules of Arnica Montana 4 CH under the tongue three times a day. If it is the result of an infectious disease such as shingles, melt five granules of Mezereum 7 CH in the mouth three times a day. In addition, if it accompanies an injury, take three granules of Hypericum 9 or 15 CH, also three times a day.

Treatment to be followed according to the characteristics of the pain

In the event that the pain is intolerable, it can be relieved with three granules of Chamomilla 15 CH or Nux Vomica 15 CH to be administered three times a day. Chamomilla is best indicated if the pain is paroxysmal, accompanied by hot sweating and intensifies due to the heat. And Nux Vomica will be most effective if it is spasmodic and is associated with bloating and/or constipation. In addition, in the presence of violent pain that occurs and then disappears suddenly, use three granules of Magnesia Phosphorica 4 CH, three per day. And, in the presence of periodic throbbing similar to burns and stings attenuated by heat, suck four granules of Arsenicum Album 4 CH every hour.

When to see a doctor?

If the pain intensifies despite taking homeopathic remedies, a more thorough diagnosis to determine a more appropriate treatment will be essential. But, in any case, it is always advisable to consult a doctor, especially if the symptoms of neuralgia persist.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine