The Paris Quadrifolia homeopathic remedy is obtained from the so-called Parisette plant. This plant, also sometimes called Paris à 4 feuilles (4-leaved Paris), grows everywhere. It is mainly found in the alpine zone, even at very high altitudes, and in the humid undergrowth. Parisette is part of the Liliaceae family and has already been used in traditional medicine. It is a rhizomatous plant containing steroid derivatives and alkaloids. Thus, it has antispasmodic and narcotic properties. Its active ingredients are purgative and emetic. To obtain the mother tincture, the laboratories exploit the entire plant.
The main indications for Paris Quadrifolia
Paris Quadrifolia is indicated mainly in the treatment of pain and in ophthalmological treatment. This homeopathic medicine works effectively against pain due to shingles, facial neuralgia, migraines and headaches. As far as neuralgia is concerned, Paris Quadrifolia is the remedy indicated when the pain is felt from the nape of the neck to the vertex, at the top of the skull. It is also recommended in the case of nerve pain felt in the skull, when this pain is associated with the feeling of having "the eyes pulled back". In ophthalmology, Paris Quadrifolia is indicated for the treatment of asthenopia.
Recommended dosages
To use Paris Quadrifolia in therapeutic treatments, the dose to be taken must be adapted to the symptoms that present themselves. Generally, to take one pill, you have to swallow five granules. The classic treatment requires three doses in one day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. To relieve a headache accompanied by visual disturbances and eye pain, take five granules of Paris Quadrifolia 5 CH three times a day. To relieve a severe migraine associated with pain in the eye, take five granules of Paris Quadrifolia 5 CH as soon as the first symptoms or signs of the attack appear. The dose should be taken every hour until the pain and the attack subside. Dosage for the treatment of herpes zoster and facial neuralgia should be indicated only by the homeopath or by the treating physician. In case of asthenopia accompanied by headache, take a dose of five granules of Paris Quadrifolia 5 CH as a one-month treatment. This cure can be repeated if necessary.