Rhododendron chrysanthum is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the flower buds and leaves of the shrub bearing the same name. The plant is native to North Asia and has golden yellow flowers. The remedy is mainly suitable for the treatment of various forms of rheumatism and tendonitis. In addition, it is recommended to relieve neuralgia.
Indications for rheumatism
Rhododendron chrysanthum is indicated for the treatment of rheumatism, mainly occurring at night, which affects the small joints. Generally, the pain moves from one joint to another and can lead to disability. These inflammations are often cyclical and accompanied by severe pain in windy and humid weather.
A form of rheumatism leading to a deformity of the joints, osteoarthritis is a degenerative pathology. When this disease is affected, there is an alteration of the intra-articular cartilage followed by anarchic flare-ups of osteophytes of the bone cells. Rhododendron chrysanthum is also recommended in case of arthralgia. This remedy can also be effective in cases of hypersensitivity to variations in atmospheric electricity.
Indications for neuralgia
Rhododendron chrysanthum is recommended for relieving and treating neuralgia. This disease manifests itself by significant pain that projects onto a nerve net. It usually affects sciatica, the intercostal nerves, the facial nerve and the teeth. All individuals can be prone to neuralgia. However, it is more common in adults who are in their forties. The remedy is particularly indicated in the case where neuralgia occurs in stormy weather.
Recommended dosages to treat rheumatism
To relieve pain due to rheumatism, it is indicated to take 5 granules of Rhododendron chrysanthum 6 CH 3 times a day. If the pain intensifies, especially because of the cold, the 4 CH dose should be chosen.
To alleviate osteoarthritis attacks, it is indicated to take 3 granules of Rhododendron chrysanthum 5 CH, three times a day. This dose is ideal for attacks that tend to occur periodically.
Dosages required to relieve neuralgia
To treat neuralgia, which often occurs in stormy weather, it is indicated to take 5 granules of Rhododendron chrysanthum 7 CH. To reduce pain, it is imperative to take this dose 3 times a day. Treatment should be stopped as soon as the pain subsides.