Homeopathy Glossary : Letter «E»

Find definitions about homeopathy starting with the letter "E", pathologies that can be treated with homeopathy and homeopathic medicines starting with "E"


Eberthinum is a homeopathic medicine obtained from the culture of typhoid bacilli. This powerful remedy is indicated for treating various forms of typhoid-related disease. In gastroenterology, berthinum is recommended to treat Crohn's disease as well as various biliary and pancreatic disorders causing severe diarrhea. In dermatology, the remedy is mainly suitable for treating diseases due to fungal infections and causing alopecia. It is recommended to opt for a dilution level of 9 CH if the manifestations of the disease are not very significant and a dilution of 15 CH if the disease is at an advanced stage. Erberthinum has special properties and is recommended for preventive and curative treatment.


A mild bruise occurs when the injury is superficial. Anyone can be a victim of this local contusion, which disappears after a few days, even if you perform simple daily gestures. However, when the impact is strong enough or has affected a sensitive part, the bruise becomes severe and causes sharp pain that becomes more and more intense accompanied by swelling. In this case, homeopathic treatment with Arnica is necessary. This remedy can be combined with Bellis perennis 5 CH, Hamamelis 5 CH, Symphytum 4 CH or Ruta 4 CH, depending on the degree of severity of the trauma.

Echinacea Angustifolia

Echinacea Angustifolia is made from extracts of a plant called echinacea. This homeopathic remedy can treat viral and bacterial infections, as well as skin infections. In addition, this drug has healing properties. However, it is also used to stimulate the immune system, especially to prepare the body for the harshness of winter. This remedy is usually taken as a dilution for children under 12 years of age and as a mother tincture for adults.


Eczema is a skin problem caused by inflammation and skin conditions. The most common and common type of classic eczema is atopic eczema, but there are also other types of eczema with different manifestations. However, regardless of the type of dermatitis you are facing, the patient always feels skin irritation. This results in redness, itching, thickening of the affected skin part, dryness and scales. Homeopathic treatment is suitable for treating this type of pathology. When the person with eczema is a baby or a child, it is best to see a doctor as soon as the first signs appear. For an adult, a visit to the practitioner is imperative when the eczema begins to worsen, this can be noticed by the presence of blisters and by intense dryness of the skin.

Physical exertion

The practice of a sport is often the proposed solution to care for and maintain the body. But the enthusiasm and pleasure provided by this type of activity sometimes lead to significant physical efforts that the body cannot always bear. Various problems and mild disorders can then occur during and after the intense efforts undertaken. In order to relieve any aches, sprains or bruises that such practices can cause, homeopathy has many effective products. However, before practicing significant physical efforts, it is sometimes necessary to have medical advice. Similarly, in the event of serious problems resulting from intensive exertion, medical consultation is advised.

Pulmonary emphysema

Known in 4 forms, pulmonary emphysema is a condition of the trachea artery that is characterized by respiratory discomfort including shortness of breath, chronic cough and a decrease in respiratory rate. These symptoms should not be neglected as they can turn into respiratory and cardiac complications. In addition, many homeopathic remedies such as Grindelia, Antimonium Tartaricum, and Senega are renowned for their effectiveness in treating lung diseases.


The manifestations of endometriosis can vary from one woman to another. However, the common symptom is the abundance of periods and pain, the intensity of which does not necessarily reflect the severity of the inflammation. It is a disease that can be asymptomatic with a cyclical character. Endometriosis can be treated with homeopathic remedies. The remedies are used in low dilution or high dilution depending on the symptoms. Medical consultation is necessary when the symptoms, such as heavy and painful menstruation, are recurring.


Endometritis is an infectious pathology that mainly affects women after childbirth. This condition can also have other causes such as too frequent endouterine maneuvers. The main symptoms are severe pain and fever with or without leucorrhea. The use of homeopathic remedies makes it possible to treat this disease effectively, especially since the treatment targets both acute and chronic infections. Nevertheless, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the most bothersome symptoms appear in order to avoid any complications.


Frostbite is an ailment that affects the extremities of the body. This disease is caused by decreased blood flow to the fingers, toes, ears, or nose. The disease comes in different forms and it appears mainly in cold and wet weather. Complications can be cracks in the skin, plaques and ulcerations. Homeopathy is the most recommended therapeutic method to treat this type of ailment by natural methods. The best precaution is to consult the doctor at the first signs of the disease.


Enterocolitis is a condition that affects the digestive system. There are several types of enterocolitis that differ from each other in their origin. The premature child is easily affected by the pathology. Food poisoning can be the cause of gastroenteritis. A state of severe immunosuppression favors its attack. However, several homeopathic remedies can take care of the patient such as Plumbum metallicum and Sulfur. Natrum Sulfuricum will also help the patient recover quickly.


A sprain is mild if it is due to a sprained ankle causing a stretch of the ligaments. It is moderate if the pain, swelling, and bruising are caused by a partial tear in the joint. But, it is serious if there is a rupture of the ligaments or a tearing of the bones. The sprain, regardless of its severity, can fortunately be cured with homeopathic treatment. The latter will be based on Arnica in the case of simple swelling and Ruta if the bones are affected. Natrum Carbonicum is also the most effective remedy for relieving repeated sprains. It should be noted, however, that if the patient's condition does not improve after two days of treatment, it is always advisable to take him or her to a doctor or osteopath.


Bedwetting is very annoying for both parents and children. To get rid of it, you can follow a homeopathic treatment. For example, Belladona, a remedy with many medicinal properties, can be used. There is also Cypressus, sepia, benzoicum, etc. Each medication should be taken in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Heel spur

The heel spur is also called heel spur or heel exostosis. It affects individuals whose body weight is not well distributed over all feet because of their gait, a sports or professional activity, a disease such as diabetes, obesity or pregnancy. Risk factors must be taken into account to avoid developing or aggravating heel spurs. The homeopathic treatment to be prescribed depends on the symptoms that accompany the heel spur (digestive pain) or the main causes of the condition (practice of a sport). Usually, the pain experienced prompts the person to seek medical attention.


Epistaxis is a nasal hemorrhage that occurs after trauma or because of a disease such as hypertension. It can also be caused by a sporting effort, a shock or following prolonged exposure to the sun. Homeopathy provides solutions by treating the causes and relieving the symptoms. Although epistaxis is a benign disorder, it is advisable to go to a consultation in some cases, especially for vascular diseases such as hypertension or hematological disorders.


Exhaustion is considered to be the disease that affects any individual exposed to excessive physical or intellectual exertion. If left untreated, exhaustion can lead to physiological disorders and serious psychiatric illnesses. Treatment is therefore essential as soon as a state of fatigue persists. Thanks to homeopathy, you can avoid falling into professional or school burnout. In any case, depending on the symptoms, physical or nervous exhaustion can be treated with various homeopathic remedies.

Equisetum Hiemale

Equisetum Hiemale is a homeopathic remedy whose mother tincture is obtained from the aerial part of the winter horsetail, a plant of the Equisetaceae family. It usually grows in swampy regions. This remedy is used in the treatment of urinary disorders such as cystitis and bedwetting. It alleviates behavioral disorders manifested by restlessness at bedtime, fatigue, dizziness and migraines. The dosages indicated vary according to the symptoms of the disease, the same is true for the dilution which will be 5 to 15 CH. Other homeopathic remedies such as Belladonna or Sepia Officinalis, may be combined with the treatment in some cases but only these two remedies.

Erigeron Canadensis

Erigeron Canadensis is a homeopathic remedy made from the Canada Fleabane also known as Erigeron, a herbaceous plant native to Central and North America. This remedy can be used in the treatment of several infections that relate to the field of gynecology and urology. The recommended dilution for the treatment of pathologies varies from 5 to 15 CH, with daily doses divided into several doses depending on the nature of the disorders.


Frequent belching or the emission of gas from the stomach through the mouth results from a dysfunction of the digestive system. Accompanied by an odor, an acidic taste or pain, as well as a characteristic noise, belching could be caused by a disease. Thus, it is necessary to treat the belching that is quite frequent and associated with gastric or intestinal disorders. Thanks to homeopathy, it is possible to treat all manifestations related to abnormal belching.

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is a common condition that affects infants. It is mainly due to the various components of the products used to change the baby. The skin lesion takes two forms (W and Y), but in most cases, the pathology is benign and does not leave a trace after treatment. However, there are complications such as the spread of the pathology on different parts of the baby's body. There is a whole range of homeopathic remedies to relieve the discomfort felt by the baby.

Solar erythema

Solar erythema is one of the harmful consequences of prolonged exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays will burn the skin and cause its deterioration. In the best of cases, the damage caused by sunburn can only affect the upper part of the skin. However, on sensitive skin, burns can reach the deeper layers of the dermis. Homeopathic treatments can relieve the pain associated with solar erythema and reduce the inflammatory process. However, their indications depend on the severity of the burns and other symptoms presented by the person with sunburn.


Pressure ulcers are a common skin disease in bedridden people. It is formed by a compression exerted by a hard surface on the skin and muscle tissues. Bruising can worsen and become lesions if no treatment is given to the patient. To treat pressure ulcers, homeopathic treatment consists of Carbo vegetabilis at 9 CH and Secale cornitum at a dilution level of 5 CH. If the patient's condition does not change at the end of the treatment, it is essential to consult a doctor.


Considered a disease, alcoholism can be treated with homeopathic remedies. Note that alcohol consumption inhibits several reflexes, causing several behavioral disorders and various pathologies. Note that alcoholism is responsible for several conditions that are more or less easy to treat. Alcohol dependence, as well as symptoms related to behavioral disorders and various diseases can be eliminated through homeopathic care. It is recommended to seek the advice of a homeopathic doctor before starting any treatment.

Eugenia Jambosa

Thanks to homeopathy, it is possible to regain clear and healthy skin without resorting to aggressive cosmetic products. Thus, Eugenia Jambosa is the remedy you need to get rid of pimples. This medicine is prepared from the pink apple tree or jambrosade, an ornamental plant known for its therapeutic properties. Eugenia Jambosa is especially suitable for facial acne and more particularly for acne located around the nose. It should also be noted that Eugenia Jambosa is also suitable for less complicated acne problems. Otherwise, it is only used as a supplement to treatment or will be combined with other homeopathic remedies.

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Eupatorium perfoliatum is made from the aerial parts of the perfoliated eupatorium, and is effective in treating people with an infection that manifests itself as a flu without sweating but with fever. This remedy particularly relieves the associated pain in the head and eyes as well as in the muscles and bones. Depending on the manifestations of the disease, the dose of granules to be taken can vary from 5 to 9 CH. Similarly, the dosage varies depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Euphrasia officinalis

Used for several centuries in the treatment of eye diseases, Euphrasia officinalis is a remedy that helps fight infections and inflammations that affect the eyes. Prepared from a plant strain, this homeopathic medicine is mainly indicated in cases of conjunctivitis or rhinoconjunctivitis, two pathologies that are systematically accompanied by irritation, redness and tearing that are very uncomfortable. Thanks to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, Euphrasia officinalis significantly reduces the burning sensation generally associated with eye conditions while reducing the swelling of the eyelids that can occur during inflammation. Finally, it is good to know that this homeopathic remedy is also recommended in cases of conjunctivitis accompanied by photophobia, a condition that is characterized by a fear of bright light as well as eye pain that is difficult to bear.


Extrasystole is the manifestation of a dysfunction of the heart in the ventricle or atrium. This relatively common heart disorder can be benign on a healthy body. But on fragile subjects or with other heart problems, extrasystole can be fatal. Various homeopathic remedies exist depending on the origins of the manifestations of this heart disorder. These are essentially infinitesimal doses of oral administration. Their effectiveness is also conditioned by the respect of certain rules of lifestyle, such as abstention from consuming stimulant products. In any case, it is always advisable to consult the doctor in case of irregular heartbeats or the appearance of cardiovascular abnormalities.