Reducing Bruising with Homeopathy

Bruises are injuries to the inside of the skin most often caused by a blow. Their evolution can be prevented thanks to many homeopathic remedies which must however be taken immediately after the shock.

Bruising, also known as trauma or local contusion, is subcutaneous bleeding resulting from shock and leaving a bluish spot on the surface of the skin. It is characterized by an effusion of unopened blood causing severe pain. A bruise is not alarming if it is caused by a simple bruise that affects only the capillary vessels and adjacent tissues, even if it is accompanied by swelling. However, it is serious if a fracture or internal bleeding is the result of the shock it caused and the hematoma is impressive.

Symptoms of bruising

There are two main types of bruising, namely light bruising and severe bruising. The mild bruising causes only a superficial bruise on the tissues and is not very painful. Depending on the intensity of the blow and the patient's sensitivity, a bruise or red spot may gradually appear on the affected part of the body and swelling may form and decrease after a few hours. A slight bruise is harmless and disappears without the slightest spot after a few weeks.

As for the serious bruise, it is a fairly deep unopened contusion. The effusion of blood is almost immediate and the hematoma forms just after the shock. The swelling increases as the pain increases. In the event of significant internal bleeding, the bruising can cause compartment syndrome, which is most often the cause of a sudden cessation of blood flow to the affected area and surrounding tissues. When the bruise is severe, it can also affect internal organs and be accompanied by fractures or ligament rupture.

Homeopathic treatment of bruising pain

In case of a mild bruise, reduce the pain by applying ice cubes to the affected area and then use Arnica-based gel, such as ArnigelĀ® and Arni StikĀ®. If the pain persists and is accompanied by a lump or hematoma, take five granules of Arnica 5 CH every quarter of an hour, for the first hour after the shock and then five more granules every hour until an improvement is obtained. This dosage is especially recommended for adults. As for children, it is better to give them 3 granules of Arnica 9 CH, three times a day.

The recommended treatment in case of hematoma If

a small lump forms, use Bellis perennis 5 CH or Hamamelis 5 CH. The latter will be even more effective if they are combined with Arnica montana. But, if the swelling keeps increasing and causes numbness in the affected limb, administer five granules of Ledum pallustre 5 CH or Sulfurucum acidum 5 CH. And in the event that the bruises are localized on the sensitive parts, melt 3 granules of Hypericum 4 CH or Calendula 4 CH under the tongue every thirty minutes.

Recommended treatment in the event of muscle and ligament damage

If a muscle trauma, sprain or dislocation caused by an impact leads to the appearance of a bruise, Arnica 6 K remains the most appropriate homeopathic remedy. Witch hazel 5 Ch and Bellis 5 CH can also be used to make the symptoms disappear. In addition, to treat internal injuries located at the level of ligaments and bone surfaces, combine Symphytum 4 CH and/or Ruta 4 CH with Arnica 4 CH. Three granules of each remedy should be taken separately every thirty minutes until the pain dissipates and the swelling is reduced.

When to see a doctor?

Whether in adults or children, a bruise that appears for no apparent reason requires a medical examination. In addition, you should never hesitate to be examined after a fall from a certain height that has led to the appearance of a local contusion or after a shock that has affected a sensitive part - i.e. the face, eyes or joints. Medical consultation is also essential if the bruise leads to paralysis or sensory disorders or if it is accompanied by injuries.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


With homeopathy, it is possible to treat even the most severe bruises and relieve even the most unbearable pain.

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