Arnica Montana for trauma treatment

Arnica montana is a toxic plant whose homeopathic form can be used to treat various ailments. The properties of this plant help prepare the muscles for intense efforts.

Complementary to other types of therapy, homeopathy is distinguished by the exploitation of the properties of the active ingredient of certain plants such as Arnica Montana. In a tiny amount, the substance extracted from Arnica Montana can cure several pathologies. Arnica Montana is available in granules, drinkable ampoules, drops and globular doses. The mother tincture is diluted in water and alcohol for ampoule and dropper presentations. A certain amount of sucrose and lactose is added to the products in globule and granular doses. Arnica Montana helps reduce the pain associated with an insect bite. Possessing immunological properties, Arnica Montana is also a remedy for certain infectious states with adynamia and conditions due to the fragility of the dermis.

A plant with multiple properties

Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy derived from mountain arnic, falling grass, poor man's cinchona or vulnerary grass. This plant with multiple properties usually grows in the mountains. It requires acidic, nutrient-poor soil to grow. From the Asteraceae family, this plant has a very special aroma and stands out for its yellow flowers that appear between May and August. Known since ancient times, it is one of the most widely used plants in homeopathy. The mother tincture used to make the homeopathic product is taken from the whole plant. Quite toxic, Arnica Montana is used medicinally to treat heart and respiratory disorders.

Arnica Montana in phlebology, cardiology and ophthalmology

Promoting healing, Arnica Montana is also indicated to treat certain cases of phlebology and haemorrhage. Thus, many practitioners prescribe Arnica Montana for postoperative care or to relieve chest pain or angina pectoris. This substance acts on the majority of cardiovascular disorders resulting from overwork. However, a medical consultation is recommended before starting a homeopathic treatment. In ophthalmology, Arnica Montana is indicated only for cases of retinopathy and age-related muscle degeneration.


Arnica Montana trauma dosage is among the most effective remedies for treating different types of trauma. With special properties, this remedy helps to soothe pain and limit bruising. It is prescribed for aches, bruises and muscle pain caused by intense physical exercise or severe psychological shocks. For the various trauma disorders, Arnica Montana in 9 Ch is indicated. This intake must be accompanied by 5 granules to be melted under the tongue every hour. However, these doses should be spaced out according to the patient's improvement. For athletes planning intense physical effort and subjects who need to undergo surgery, taking Arnica Montana in the form of a globule dose of 9 Ch per day during the 3 days preceding physical activity is recommended. Treatment should continue with 5 granules of 9 Ch every hour for the first half day after the operation. These doses can be maintained for a week but must be spaced out according to the improvements observed. For pain resulting from a previous trauma, Arnica Montana in the form of 15 Ch granules is indicated. The dosage is 5 granules to be taken in the morning and evening for 2 months. For the following two months, 2 globule doses of 15 Ch are to be taken every week. The treatment ends with a dose of 15 Ch per week for 2 months. For cases of retinopathy and AMD, the intake of a globule dose of Arnica Montana 9 Ch per week is suitable. Patients, wishing to prevent any cardiovascular risk, should take Arnica Montana in 9 Ch per week.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine