Stop bleeding with homeopathy

Hemorrhages are very disabling for patients, especially external forms such as nosebleeds. Fortunately, a wide range of homeopathic remedies are available to reduce these different types of bleeding.

There are two main types of bleeding: external bleeding and internal bleeding. The external form can be caused by injury or poor healing, while internal bleeding can be due to digestive bleeding or a rupture of blood vessels or an artery. If the bleeding is too severe and the bleeding is too heavy, you should call for medical help. However, homeopathy is effective in treating small bleeding as long as the prescribed doses are respected.

Symptoms of bleeding

It is easy to distinguish the different types of bleeding by their symptoms. The release of blood at the time of a coughing fit can indicate worsening pneumonia, but it is also the main symptom of tuberculosis. The presence of blood in the urine sometimes indicates a fibroid. Blood in the stool accompanied by significant diarrhoea can diagnose ulcerative colitis. This disease also generates great fatigue and rapid weight loss with fever in some cases.

Treatment of the different types of bleeding

Internal bleeding is the most common, especially that which affects the arteries. In this case, Opium 7 CH should be taken while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Heart disease can also cause bleeding and the best remedy is Helleborus 7 CH. Digestive bleeding is often caused by a stomach condition and if the bleeding lasts more than a quarter of an hour, it is recommended to take China 5 CH. In the same vein, a serious digestive disorder can cause anal bleeding and the solution is to take Collinsonia 5 CH. Taking Ipeca 5 CH for 7 days or until the bleeding stops is indicated to treat bleeding that accompanies coughs, especially those aggravated by pneumonia.

Treatment of postoperative bleeding

After surgery bleeding is often due to poor healing, and many homeopathic treatments can reduce pain and speed up tissue reconstruction. One of the best remedies is Arnica montana which both stimulates healing and has an analgesic effect. The advantage of taking this homeopathic remedy is that it can be taken in addition to conventional treatments such as anticoagulants. This remedy is also effective after dental procedures, especially on the gums. Many patients use it to stop intermittent bleeding. If the bleeding is significant, you should turn to China 9 CH, but prior consultation with a homeopath is advised. Indeed, this remedy is not indicated for people who are too sensitive.

Treating nosebleeds Nosebleeds

are the most common hemorrhage and are a mild disease in most cases. Indeed, the nose has many blood vessels and too violent a shock can rupture the various arteries. This hemorrhage affects children in particular and the first remedy is Millefolium which acts against all types of bleeding. If the haemorrhage is accompanied by migraine, Melilotus officinalis should be taken in low doses. Arnica Montana is also indicated against nasal bleeding following violent shocks. It will immediately stop bleeding while reducing pain. Arnica Montana is available in the form of a granule that is put under the tongue for a few minutes. If the patient suffers from nasopharyngitis with nosebleeds, the recommended remedy is Ferrum phosphoricum 9 CH to be taken three times a day, at a rate of 5 granules per dose. Homeopathy can fight many types of hemorrhage, but it should be noted that treatments are often to be done over the long term. It is believed that combining homeopathy with a conventional treatment gives better results.

When to see a doctor?

Sometimes the bleeding does not stop despite the various treatments. In this case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible or go to the emergency room. This is particularly the case with nosebleeds, which are considered a mild infection, but this symptom can hide inflammation of the nasal area or a throat infection. Nosebleeding also occurs in severe cases of pneumonia.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy is suitable for alleviating various haemorrhages. Its main advantage is that it cures the cause of bleeding and also reduces pain. Arnica montana is a versatile remedy that can solve many types of bleeding and is usually the first choice of homeopaths.

  1. Symptoms of bleeding
  2. Treatment of the different t ...
  3. Treatment of postoperative b ...
  4. Treating nosebleeds Noseblee ...
  5. When to see a doctor?

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