Hemorrhoids are characterized by a permanent dilation of the veins in the rectum or anus. They take the form of a varicose vein and cause the appearance of small balls inside or outside the anus. There are mainly two types of hemorrhoids, namely: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. The former are the most common and are generally not very painful. The latter are more serious since they come out outside the anus during excretion and do not come in on their own after defecation.
There are two varieties: hemorrhoidal prolapse and hemorrhoidal thrombosis, which are most often caused by the formation of a clot in the varicose vein, lead to rectal constriction. The appearance of hemorrhoids can be due to poor dietary hygiene (an excess of spices or alcohol, for example) or to a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Sometimes it is also the result of a digestive disorder, pregnancy, cirrhosis of the liver or a rectal tumor.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
The appearance of hemorrhoids occurs in four stages. In the first and second stages, varicose veins are still inside the rectum. The pain they cause is tolerable and is often associated with bleeding. Hemorrhoids then only manifest themselves as a painless anal contusion, a permanent urge to have a bowel movement and/or a burning sensation in the anus. In the most severe cases, they cause anal fissures that trigger a painful contraction of the anal sphincter, especially after excretion.
In the third and fourth stages, the hemorrhoids become external and visible. Generally, they can be pushed inwards. However, as soon as the patient stands or walks, they reappear. External hemorrhoids can be accompanied by headaches, diarrhea, colonopathy, and flatulence. However, they are mainly manifested by a feeling of heaviness or the impression of having a foreign body in the anus and/or by throbbing, itching and burning. They can also cause irritation, inflammation, or swelling around the rectal opening.
Treatment of hemorrhoid attacks
Homeopathy offers several remedies to reduce pain during hemorrhoid attacks, whether they are punctual or repetitive. Thus, Hamamelis virginiana and Collinsonia canadensis relieve hemorrhoids caused by constipation or pregnancy, characterized by more or less abundant bleeding. Aesculus is recommended for those who suffer from the sensation of stinging. Arnica montana is used to treat hemorrhoids accompanied by rectal contusion and Muriaticum acidum is the most appropriate remedy if the attacks are favored by heat or if the hemorrhoids are sensitive to the touch.
Treatment of hemorrhoid symptoms
A good number of homeopathic remedies can help to make the symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear. Aloe socotrina is recommended in cases where hemorrhoids are diarrhoeal and/or are characterized by sharp pains accompanied by uncontrolled oozing of fecal matter. Lachesis mutus is prescribed for women whose hemorrhoids occur before menstruation and Kalium carbonicum is suitable for those who also suffer from digestive disorders. As for Fluoricum acidum, it helps to overcome itching aggravated by heat and improved by cold.
Getting rid of hemorrhoids for good
Most of the time, homeopaths prescribe treatments based on Lachesis, Graphites, Sulphur and/or Sepia to cure their patients of hemorrhoids. However, if the latter cause constipation, spurs or anal fissures, Nux vomica and Rathania are more effective. In addition, if they are of parasitic origin and cause ulceration or suppuration inside the rectum, the best thing to do is to use silica. Finally, hemorrhagic and dysenteric hemorrhoids can be treated with Ficus religiosa, which allows rapid remission.
When to see a doctor?
Stage 1 or 2 hemorrhoids are quite difficult to detect, so it is best to be examined by a doctor in case of blood flow during or after bowel movement, or in case of pain or itching inside or outside the anus. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the progression of the disease. In addition, the dosage of homeopathic remedies depends on the patient's sensitivity and the severity of his or her disease, so it is best to consult a homeopath before carrying out any treatment. Finally, if after treatment, the hemorrhoids still come out frequently and it is impossible to get them into the rectum, it is recommended to consult a doctor urgently.