Made from the peony, a perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family, Paeonia officinalis is a homeopathic remedy of great effectiveness. In the nineteenth century, this plant was mainly cultivated in southern Europe and in Asia, where it was used as a decoration. The peony has a simple stem, broad leaves, beautiful red flowers, and a tuberous root that is used in homeopathy. Thus, Paeonia officinalis is a remedy indicated for the treatment of anal, rectal and intestinal conditions.
Indications in proctology
Paeonia officinalis is prescribed in case of hemorrhoids accompanied by pain and burning in the anal area. It is indicated to administer this remedy to people suffering from anal fissures associated with continuous discharge. Severe pain occurring during or after defecation can be relieved by the use of Paeonia officinalis. Finally, this remedy helps relieve acute or chronic inflammation of the anus or rectum.
Other indications
Paeonia officinalis can be used to treat behavioural disorders manifested by mood swings or frequent nervousness. It also treats certain muscle pains such as cramps. Paeonia officinalis is also very effective for the treatment of ulcers in the leg, breast, thumb and back of the foot. It also helps relieve headaches and earaches as well as itchy and dry eyes.
Dosages indicated in case of proctological disorders
In order to relieve hemorrhoidal crises, it is advisable to take 3 granules of Paeonia officinalis 5 CH three times a day. Anal fissures with discharge can be treated with an ointment based on Paeonia officinalis 4% of the mother tincture that should be applied to the affected area morning and evening. Regarding pain occurring during and after bowel movements, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Paeonia officinalis 5 CH 3 times a day until symptoms subside. Finally, chronic or acute inflammation of the anus or rectum is treated by taking 5 granules of Paeonia officinalis 5 CH three to four times a day for 10 days.
case of behavioural problems manifested by mood changes and nervousness, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Paeonia officinalis 15 to 30 CH three times a day. To treat muscle pain, it is recommended to take 3 granules of Paeonia officinalis 5 CH three times a day. It is also advisable to take 3 granules of Paeonia officinalis 5 CH to treat breast, leg or foot ulcers. Finally, 3 granules of Paeonia officinalis 5 CH at a rate of three doses a day will help to effectively combat headaches and earaches as well as itching and dryness of the eyes.