Treating phlebitis with homeopathy

Phlebitis is an inflammation that affects the veins. The use of homeopathic remedies as a basic treatment makes it possible to cure it and relieve the pain it causes.

Phlebitis is an inflammation of the vein that causes blood clots to form. These clots impair blood circulation by partially or completely blocking it. Superficial phlebitis usually affects the vein of the legs. It is caused by prolonged immobilization following surgery or the placement of a cast. Those at risk are those who suffer from venous insufficiency, women in late pregnancy and people who suffer from obesity. When the inflammation reaches a deep vein, it is called deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. It is located in the lower limbs. The migration of the clot to the pulmonary artery causes pulmonary embolism. People at risk are those who suffer from cancer or a blood clotting disease as well as the elderly.


In superficial phlebitis, the affected vein and the parts around it become red. It is also warm to the touch and appears on the surface like a hard cord. Often, the subject feels pain in the area affected by the inflammation.

Deep phlebitis is often invisible. However, the subject may experience a feeling of warmth accompanied by numbness or pain in the thighs or calves. The ankles and calves are swollen. In some cases, the leg may have swelling.


The basic treatment for phlebitis is Witch Hazel 3 to 6 CH, 5 granules, 2 times a day to be combined with Pulsatilla, a remedy intended to relieve heavy legs and pain aggravated by heat. Sometimes the subject experiences severe congestion accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and heat, symptoms aggravated by heat and prolonged standing. In this case, Aesculus hippocastanatum 3 to 6 CH, 3 granules, 3 times a day is recommended. This remedy can be combined with Sulfur to give good results.

When the veins are strongly dilated, the skin presents cyanosis and the subject feels a bursting sensation accompanied by pain. In this case, 3 granules of Vipera 4 to 5 CH are administered, 3 times a day. Sometimes, the patient presents symptoms of impatience, i.e. he needs to move his feet regularly at night to avoid the tingling sensation. Zincum Metal 4 to 5 CH can be prescribed, an effective remedy for these symptoms and for relieving varicose veins and edema. Other treatment alternatives are Apis mellifica 9 CH, Arnica montana 9 CH, Vipera redi 5 CH at a rate of 5 granules of each per day.

When to see a doctor?

A medical consultation is necessary when there is a sudden appearance of pain or edema in the legs and in such a situation, massage is to be avoided because it can be dangerous. In any case, phlebitis is a medical emergency that should not be neglected that as soon as symptoms such as numbness of the thigh or calf, swelling of the ankle, leg, appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor to rule out any risk of pulmonary embolism.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathic remedies are effective in treating the symptoms of phlebitis. Their action is all the more optimized if certain remedies are combined.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Treatments
  3. When to see a doctor?

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