Fight acne with homeopathy

Acne appears as a result of hormonal disorders. Thanks to homeopathy, it is fortunately possible to deal with them and make these sometimes annoying imperfections disappear.

Linked to hormonal upheavals, acne appears mainly during adolescence, improving or becoming chronic around adulthood. While for some only the face is invaded by pimples, for others, certain parts of the body, such as the back or torso, are also affected. Fortunately, the acne problem can be treated, whether by cosmetic, pharmaceutical or homeopathic products.

The origin of acne


both men and women, hormonal changes catalyze the excess secretion of male hormones called androgens. They are secreted by the ovaries in women and by the testicles in men. This leads to hyperseborrhea, i.e. the excess secretion of sebum in the hair follicles located under the epidermis. This causes hyper keratinization. The keratin, produced in these hair follicles and thus becoming too abundant, clogs the pores and leads to inflammation of them, hence the appearance of acne and blackheads.

Thus, acne is mainly of hormonal origin, which explains its appearance in two very distinct periods of a person's life, during puberty when juvenile acne develops and around forty when acne rosacea develops. Stress, sun exposure, fatigue, or handling blackheads can aggravate the disease and lead to superinfection of acne. The use of cosmetic products that are not suitable for the skin as well as the use of certain medications can also promote the development of acne. On the other hand, homeopathic remedies do not produce such effects.


Juvenile acne appears mainly during puberty and is characterized by red pimples, pustules and blackheads on the cheekbones, face, chin and sometimes on the chest, neck and back. Depending on the skin characteristic, juvenile acne can last from a few months to several years. Indeed, acne does not necessarily disappear at the end of adolescence and can even become chronic in some women. The pathology becomes more pronounced or attenuated according to hormonal changes. In the most serious problems, acne is accompanied by itching and burning.

Acne rosacea, also known as "rosacea" or "adult acne", is also characterized by the appearance of small red pimples (papules) and redness on the chin, nose and cheeks. Often, these papules are also accompanied by blackheads, pustules, with a pale complexion, oily skin and abundant sweating. This type of acne, mostly chronic, tends to worsen during menstruation, during pregnancy and as menopause approaches in women.

Treatment of juvenile acne

Juvenile acne can be treated with several homeopathic products, such as Asterias Rubens, which is specially adapted to teenagers who have a lymphatic constitution. Thuja occidentalis is effective in treating acne, which mainly occurs in the lower part of the face (chin and around the lips), on hypersensitive and oily skin. On the other hand, for those with dry and rough skin, Berberis aquifolium is the most suitable.

Antimonium crudum is used to treat acne that is accompanied by itching and burning sensations, especially for people who have an unbalanced diet (excess alcohol and carbohydrates), and who suffer from gastrointestinal and sentimental problems. Arsenicum Iodatum, on the other hand, also calms the itching that acne acne, but it is more suitable for people of the apathetic type with a "lean" body, anxious and nervous nature.

Acne rosacea treatment

To treat acne rosacea, many homeopathic products are available. Among them, Psorinum not only fights against the appearance of pimples but also limits itching and profuse sweating caused by excess sebum. Sanguinaria canadensis 9 CH at a rate of 5 granules per day fights acne rosacea just as effectively as it is suitable for those who suffer from hormonal disorders as menstruation approaches or menopause and who mainly have light periods or poor blood circulation. It is possible to complete the treatment with Carbo animalis 5 CH, at a rate of 5 granules per day.

For those who suffer from acne during periods of fatigue and stress, Sabina, specially adapted to hypochondriacs, is the most suitable. But Sulphur is also an effective remedy for treating chronic acne, it is especially indicated for people prone to gastrointestinal problems and constipation. The same is true for Belladonna which is suitable for people with a restless nature, with dry and warm skin.

Treating blackheads and scars with homeopathy


for juvenile acne or acne rosacea, in order to reduce blackheads, Selenium metallicum 9 CH is recommended. Take 5 granules per day, to be combined with Eugenia jambosa 5 CH (same dosage) to eliminate blackheads. However, Kalium bromatum 7 CH, at a rate of two granules per day, is needed when the blackheads become infected and become hot and stinging. In this case, it may also be necessary to take 5 granules of Sulfur iodatum 15 CH per day in order to reduce inflammation.

Acne also leaves scars that can be treated with homeopathy. To this extent, Antimonium tartaricum 9 CH and Graphites 15 CH, at a rate of two granules per day, are to be taken. The former is suitable for treating small scars while the latter reduces large, blistered scars. Combined with Calendula (15 drops to be diluted in a quarter glass of water), these two products allow you to regain healthy and radiant skin.

When to see a doctor?

To treat acne, homeopathy is effective. However, in some cases, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Indeed, if the patient suffers from cystic acne or if significant acne scars appear, then calling a doctor is essential. The same is true for those whose acne problem leads to psychological complexes, a situation that mainly affects young people.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy has been shown to be effective in treating acne. In fact, in addition to reducing superficial imperfections of the face and body, it also acts on hormones and reduces stress, as well as other factors that can cause acne.

  1. The origin of acne
  2. Symptoms
  3. Treatment of juvenile acne
  4. Acne rosacea treatment
  5. Treating blackheads and scar ...
  6. When to see a doctor?

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