Treating Gynecological Disorders and Dermatological Conditions with Sabina

Sabina is a very effective homeopathic remedy for bleeding and lesions. This is why it is used to treat dermatological and gynecological diseases.

Sabina is a homeopathic remedy based on sabine juniper, a dark green shrub that is between 2 and 3 m high and is mainly found in the Alps and the Pyrenees. It is prepared from the fresh stem and leaves of this plant. Sabina is especially effective against gynaecological disorders and skin diseases.

Sabina Gynecology

can be used to treat bleeding, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It is also recommended in cases of bleeding and itchy vegetation of the anogenital parts, vaginal discharge accompanied by bright red blood, with or without clots, fibroids, uterine hemorrhage and even difficult childbirth. In addition, it regulates heavy and sparkling periods and relieves localized pain in the vagina.

Sabina Dermatology

is effective against blackheads and acne. It also relieves itching and can be combined with medications commonly used for the long-term treatment of skin diseases.

Recommended dosage in gynaecology

In case of gynaecological disorders, Sabina is used in 5 CH, unless otherwise directed by the doctor. Thus, to stop uterine bleeding, take three granules of the remedy three times a day, outside of meals. To treat menometrorrhagia that causes uterine bleeding containing bright red clots, take five granules three to four times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. And, in case of miscarriage, take a dose of Sabina 4 CH every ten minutes until the bleeding stops.

Recommended dosage in dermatology

To get rid of blackheads and acne, take 3 granules of Sabina 5 CH, two to three times a day. To reduce itching and pruritus, suck on three granules of Sabina 5 CH, 3 times a day. However, in case of chronic dermatological disease, use Sabina 15 CH as a disease-modifying treatment.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Sabina is a homeopathic remedy that is particularly suitable for women with short menstrual cycles.

  1. Sabina Gynecology
  2. Sabina Dermatology
  3. Recommended dosage in gynaec ...
  4. Recommended dosage in dermat ...