Relieving menorrhagia with homeopathy

Menorrhagia is a gynecological problem that affects a large number of women. Homeopathy is an interesting alternative medicine to counter this pathology thanks to the many remedies it offers.

Menorrhagia results in abundant blood loss that can last more than 7 days. It can be of organic or functional origin. Among the organic causes identified are the existence of polyps or fibroids in the uterus or the abnormal abundance of uterine lining outside the uterus. When the origin of menorrhagia is functional, it is essentially due to a hormonal imbalance caused by estrogen intake or following a hormonal imbalance. The latter case is most often found in young adolescent girls.

Symptoms of menorrhagia

Diagnosing menorrhagia is tricky because the menstrual cycle differs from woman to woman and it can be confused with bleeding in some women. However, menorrhagia is characterized by abundant blood loss, only during menstruation, as well as a menstrual period of more than 7 days. The blood is then brighter red than usual and contains clots. During this period, the woman is required to change her intimate protection quite often, even during the night. In addition, these symptoms can occur during several successive menstrual cycles.

Homeopathic treatment of menorrhagia

Homeopathy offers several remedies to relieve menorrhagia. This is particularly the case with Sabina, a drug obtained from the sabine juniper and which is very effective against gynaecological disorders. The recommended dosage to reduce blood loss is 3 granules of Sabina 5CH, to be taken three times a day. Helonias dioica 5CH is also indicated to reduce the feelings of fatigue related to this pathology. The recommended dosage is 3 granules in the morning when you wake up and 3 more at bedtime. For heavy, dark-coloured periods, Nux Vomica is an effective remedy. This remedy from the seed of the vomit tree is available in 5CH, 7CH and 15CH. Finally, Crocus sativus and Erigeron canadensis are also recommended to alleviate the symptoms of menorrhagia.

When to see a doctor?

Homeopathic remedies should be taken as soon as the symptoms of menorrhagia appear. If, however, they last more than ten days or if blood loss is still abundant, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In addition, if whitish discharge is also observed, the use of a specialist is strongly recommended. Finally, some remedies to relieve menorrhagia can have side effects, such as stomach upset and vomiting. In these cases, the homeopath must be notified so that he can determine the remedy adapted to the patient's metabolism.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathic remedies used to relieve menorrhagia can also be used to treat a large number of gynecological disorders, such as metrorrhagia and hypermenorrhea. In addition, there are many medicines for gynaecological problems in homeopathy.

  1. Symptoms of menorrhagia
  2. Homeopathic treatment of men ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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