Treating condyloma with homeopathy

A source of many inconveniences, condyloma is a sexually transmitted infection. By opting for the right homeopathic medicines, the pathology can be treated in a sustainable way.

Condyloma is a skin disease that usually affects the genitals. Classified as a sexually transmitted infection, this pathology is caused by the human papillomavirus. Diagnosed with the naked eye by the doctor, condyloma can be biopsied when there are doubts about its nature. People who are sexually active from a young age are also more likely to be affected by the disease. A failing immune system also promotes the appearance of condyloma.


After the periods of contamination and incubation, condyloma manifests itself by the appearance of warts on the external genitalia. In men, these warts are mainly visible on the scrotum while in women, they are present on the vulva. In some cases, growths can appear in the vagina and cervix. In other cases, the anus and urethra may also be affected. In addition to these symptoms, warts can develop in the oral area and may or may not be accompanied by itching, which is a source of discomfort.

Recommended treatments

To treat lesions, Cinnabaris 5 CH should be used at a rate of 5 granules three times a day, especially when the warts are bright red and bleed at the slightest contact. When the condylomas are located at the level of the orifices, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Nitricum Acidum 5 CH three times a day. In the case of irritating and painful warts, especially gynaecological bleeding, the main remedy indicated is Sabina 5 CH, at a rate of 5 granules 3 times a day. To complete these treatments, it is possible to take 5 granules of Thuja occidentalis 5 CH three times a day. Fluid retention associated with condyloma requires weekly intake of Natrum sulfuricum 9 CH, Mercurius solubilis 15 CH or Mercurius Corrosivus.

When to see a doctor?

If, despite the administration of homeopathic remedies, the warts persist or worsen, it is essential to consult a doctor. Indeed, in women, condyloma can lead to precancerous lesions when they are located in the cervix. In addition, a risky and unprotected sexual relationship must also be screened.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


In the case of genital condyloma, homeopathy is particularly effective insofar as it allows an effective remission without traumatic surgical treatment.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Recommended treatments
  3. When to see a doctor?

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