Sanguinaria Canadensis is a homeopathic remedy based on Bloodroot, a herbaceous plant of the papaveraceae family. As its name suggests, this plant of Canadian origin contains sanguinarine, an alkaloid with multiple therapeutic virtues. This reddish-coloured juice is mainly found in the rhizome of the plant, which is used to make Sanguinaria Canadensis. Indeed, it is looted so that the sanguinarine can be extracted and then macerated in alcohol. The resulting mother tincture is then diluted and then dynamized to make it fit for consumption. This is because Sanguinaria Canadensis can be used to treat pain as well as many ailments.
Pain treatment
Sanguinaria Canadensis is very effective against pain. It relieves violent headaches caused by migraine attacks and headaches that most often radiate from the occipital region to the temple. It also calms tooth pain and burning sensations in the eyes, hands or soles of the feet.
Sanguinaria Canadensis treats menopausal disorders, menstrual cycle disturbances, genital disorders and breast and nipple pain. This homeopathic remedy is, in fact, quite indicated in case of early menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and metrorrhagia apart from the fact that it heals ulcerations of the cervix, ovaritis and leucorrhea. In addition, it is also used to overcome hot flashes that result from menopause or a gynecological disorder.
In ENT, Sanguinaria Canadensis is recommended in case of a head cold which manifests itself by abundant phlegm, a burning sensation in the nostrils and irritation of the pharynx. It is also prescribed to patients who suffer from rhinitis, abnormal nasal discharge, laryngitis, or tonsillitis and is beneficial to those who have a nasal polyp or uvula. In addition, it helps to get rid of burning in the throat, tingling in the ears, and tinnitus.
Sanguinaria Canadensis treats skin conditions aggravated by heat, hives and ulcers and relieves burning, itchy skin and tingling. This homeopathic remedy can even be taken by people who are bothered by acne rosacea that appears during menopause, rashes or redness of the cheek.
Sanguinaria Canadensis is of great use in case of digestive disorders and in particular in case of diarrhea or a permanent and urgent urge to defecate accompanied by the emission of winds. It also treats esophagitis and gastritis, prevents vomiting, and calms heartburn and nausea.
Recommended dosage for pain treatment
If a burning sensation occurs, take five granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 5CH or 9 CH one to four times daily, depending on the intensity of the pain. In case of migraines or headaches that make the face red, take three granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 4 CH every five minutes. But, if the migraine is congestive, it is better to take five granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 9 CH, twice a day, or a daily dose of five granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 15 CH.
Recommended dosage in case of gynaecological disorders
Five granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 9 or 15 CH to be melted in the mouth once or twice a day help prevent menorrhagia. Two granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 9 CH, to be sucked on when waking up and going to bed, are effective against menopausal syndromes associated with hot flashes and sharp redness.
Recommended dosage for otolaryngological conditions
To treat rhinopharyngitis and tinnitus, place three granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 5 CH under the tongue three times a day. To relieve tingling in the ear, sometimes following a headache, administer one dose of five granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 7 CH and another after two to three hours if the need arises. In addition, in order to calm the sensations of burning confined to the ear, use three granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 9 CH.
Recommended dosage in dermatology
In case of acne rosacea, take three granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 9 CH, three times a day, preferably in the morning, at noon and in the evening. But, in case of rosacea or redness of the cheek, it is advisable to take three granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 5 CH, three times a day.
Recommended dosage in case of digestive disorders
In most cases, digestive disorders that can be treated with Sanguinaria Canadensis result from or are associated with gynecological or otorhinolaryngological conditions. To determine the dosage to use, it is therefore necessary to consider the other symptoms. Thus, if vomiting or nausea is accompanied by headaches, the dose will be three granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 4 CH to be taken every five minutes. And if the diarrhoea is the result of a menopausal disorder, the patient should suck on two granules of Sanguinaria Canadensis 9 CH every morning and evening.