Migraine is a headache that is characterized by a painful pulsation on a localized part of the head. There are many causes of a migraine, but in the majority of cases, this disease appears as a result of various chain reactions in the nervous system. These reactions are favored by stress, anxiety, food poisoning or by a genetic predisposition. Migraine is not like an ordinary headache or tension headache that is characterized by pain that is more or less bearable. This is not the case during a migraine attack, during which the patient could be bedridden altogether because any movement increases the pain.
Migraine symptoms
Migraine is called a migraine and not a headache when it is preceded by a few warning signs. A migraine also presents in an almost similar way regardless of the frequency of the attacks. Thus, it can only be determined that a headache is in the category of migraines after a few attacks. The time interval between seizures can range from a few weeks to several months. The most characteristic aspect of migraine is therefore the intensity of the pain felt by the patient and the location of the pain on part of the head. In addition, the duration of a migraine attack is between two and four hours or a succession of attacks spread over a few days.
In principle, the stages of migraine can be divided into four phases. Thus, the majority of migraine sufferers go through the prodrome during which a patient feels in a state of apparent feverishness. He thus becomes asthenic, dyspeptic, constantly anxious and could be insomniac. There is also an increase in the frequency of yawning and a sudden feeling of hunger. All of these signs can appear at least 24 hours before the onset of the migraine. In some cases, migraine is preceded by aura, which is characterized by a number of symptoms including visual disturbances and possibly temporary paralysis of a part of the body. The aura can occur an hour or a few tens of minutes before the migraine.
During the migraine phase itself, the patient begins to feel severe pain on part of the head, either the left or right side of the skull. Sometimes, this pain can reach the orbital part or the jaw and unlike the pain of a common headache, the patient has the sensation of hearing the beating of his heart on the painful part. In many cases, the painful phase of the disease is marked by nausea and vomiting, as well as intolerance to light and noise. During the last phase of the migraine, the phase of pain dissipation, the patient may remain in a phase of prolonged fatigue or unexplained euphoria.
Homeopathic Migraine Treatments
When the causes and manifestations of migraine are known with certainty, homeopathic therapy can provide appropriate treatments. Whether it is a question of curing the cause of the headache or treating the various symptoms of migraine, homeopathic remedies are more effective than the usual drug treatments. Among the most prescribed homeopathic preparations for the management of hemicinia or migraine are Iris Versicolor and Sanguinaria. These two drugs are mainly indicated in the treatment of pain and the elimination of aura symptoms.
Frontal and supraorbital migraine
In order to reduce the pain in the mucous membranes of the frontal sinuses and that appearing above the eyes, homeopathy provides treatments based on Venus mercenaria or Kalium bichromicum. If the migraine is accompanied by a significant decrease in intellectual faculties, with pain of varying intensity, it can be treated with Onosmodium virginianum. For pain followed by a slight visual disturbance, flickering and color confusion, Mercurialis perennis can dispel the phenomenon within a few hours. Finally, a treatment for children based on Natrum muriaticum may be recommended for a migraine characterized by less intense pain and facial tingling.
Migraine, menstruation and menopause
In women, migraine can be caused by hormonal disorders related to the onset of puberty, first ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Homeopathy provides the right solutions for each case. Thus, Sanguinaria, Actea racemosa, Cyclamen, Lac defloratum, Bromium and several other remedies are indicated in the treatment of migraines that appear during the menstrual period. Post-menopausal migraines, accompanied by hot flashes, can also be treated with homeopathic medicines based on Lachesis, Veratrum viride and Belladona. Finally, for recalcitrant pain, whether it is of hormonal origin or other known physiological factors, homeopathic treatments based on Thea, Guarana, Kidron, Canadian menispermum, Melilotus and many others can be opted for.
When should you see a doctor?
For a headache, a good number of people prefer easy solutions leading to self-medication. However, repetitive migraine attacks affect the comfort of life and could subsequently be a source of even more serious illnesses. To ensure the effectiveness of a homeopathic migraine treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor, preferably a homeopath. A medical consultation is also necessary as soon as the first symptoms appear and especially when you are expecting a child and migraines appear at regular intervals. The same is true for people with a history of migraine of family origin and patients with chronic infections with frequent hemicrania.