Lypocodium clavatum: a remedy with many therapeutic properties

Used in the treatment of many pathologies, Lycopodium clavatum is a homeopathic medicine of great efficacy. However, the dose to be administered varies according to the symptoms observed.

Lycopodium clavatum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the lycopod officinal, better known as wolf's foot or club grass. This plant is used in herbal medicine and homeopathy to treat people with health problems in gastroenterology, urology, dermatology, ENT, or behavioral disorders and metabolic disorders. Lycopodium clavatum can be used as granules, doses, or other formulations.

Indications for digestive disorders

Lycopodium clavatum is indicated for the treatment of dyspeptic digestive disorders manifested by biliary pyrosis, flatulence and dyskinesis. The patient cannot tolerate a tight waist belt or wearing tight clothing. The subject also suffers from gallstones, headaches and migraines of digestive origin. This remedy is mainly recommended in the case of duodenal ulcers, anorexia in children and ketonemic vomiting. Lipidogram disorders, manifested by an increase in triglyceride and cholesterol levels, can also be treated with this remedy. In addition to these symptoms, the subject may show a quick hunger, that is, when the person sits down to eat, he has a large appetite, but this appetite disappears immediately after swallowing a few bites.

Indications for behavioural disorders

When irritability and depression alternate, whether in children or adults, treatment with Lycopodium clavatum is necessary, or even essential. The irritable subject becomes intolerant of any contradiction, constantly shows a bad mood and is sometimes authoritarian. When depression occurs, the subject becomes fearful, anxious and emotional. In addition, he lacks self-confidence and may have a failing memory. He is often melancholic and can cry easily. Generally, all these disorders result in a liveliness of intelligence and mind but a notable physical weakness.

Indications for urological disorders

Used as a drug to treat urogenital disorders, Lycopodium clavatum is mainly indicated in the case of urolithiasis, particularly uratic. When the subject manifests a uremic or urecemic tendency, he or she requires emergency treatment based on Lycopodium clavatum. In addition to these manifestations, renal failure and hyperazotemia syndrome may also be observed. Prostatism and impotence accompanied by retained desires can also be treated with Lycopodium clavatum.

Lycopodium clavatum is a particularly effective remedy for treating certain conditions in the ENT sphere. It is mainly recommended to treat people suffering from pollinosis and laryngitis. In addition, Lycopodium clavatum is effective in treating ear infections, whether severe or benign.

Indications for metabolic disorders

Indicated for the treatment of certain metabolic disorders, Lycopodium clavatum is effective. When a subject's skin is yellowish, it is necessary to administer Lycopodium clavatum. Most often, the patient's cholesterol level increases. In addition, it can also frequently have spikes in blood sugar and azotemia. Generally speaking, the subject is very intellectually developed but his physical capacity remains low.

Indications in dermatology

Lycopodium clavatum has a wide application in dermatology and is mainly indicated in the case of chronic urticaria. In infants, children or adults, eczema that tends to become infected at the slightest contact requires treatment with Lycopodium clavatum. In addition to these symptoms, the subject may present with pre-sternal eczematidal dermatoses and seborrheic dermatoses. On the heels, lesions, cracks and hyperkeratosia can be observed. If the skin is dry, has wrinkles and if the subject suffers from foul-smelling and viscous sweating, treatment with Lycopodium clavatum is necessary. In addition, this remedy is prescribed when there is a marked baldness in a person in his forties and when hair loss is particularly noticeable in the middle part. The presence of brownish spots on the abdomen and in the temporal region also requires treatment with Lycopodium clavatum.

Dosage Required for Gastroenterology Disorders

When a person suffers from digestive disorders, particularly abdominal bloating in the lower abdomen, 3 granules of Lycopodium clavatum 9 CH are required until the symptoms resolve. In infants, a single dose of the drug is sufficient to treat digestive disorders. However, in case of constipation, it is necessary to administer 10 granules of Lycopodium clavatum 5 CH. Children with spasmodic constriction of the anus who feel pain when stool should be treated with Lycopodium clavatum 5 CH. In other cases, it is a good idea to consult a therapist.

Dosages indicated in case of behavioural problems

In the event of behavioural problems in children, treatment should consist of taking Lycopodium clavatum 5 CH, at a rate of 3 granules at bedtime. If he wakes up at night, he will be given the same dose. If the child sleeps with the eyes semi-open, the recommended dilution will be 9 CH.

Recommended dosages in urological diseases

To effectively treat urological disorders, it is necessary to administer Lycopodium clavatum 9 CH to the patient.

Recommended dosages in case of ENT diseases

To treat cases of ear infections, laryngitis and pollinosis, the dilution required is 9 CH. However, in the most severe cases, the required dilution is 15 CH.

Recommended dosages for metabolic disorders

To treat metabolic disorders with Lycopodium clavatum, the dilution required ranges from 7 to 15 CH. However, in the most severe cases, the recommended dilutions can be up to 30 CH.

Recommended dosages in case of dermatological diseases

To treat dermatological disorders, it is necessary to take 3 granules of Lycopodium clavatum 5 CH, three times a day. If the pathology is serious, this remedy can be combined with China rubra.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being