The fetus feeds from the umbilical cord while it is still in the mother's womb. Once born, he has to deal with a different type of diet that puts a strain on his digestive system. Colic is one of the most common cases encountered by paediatricians and general practitioners, affecting nearly one in four babies. The pain they cause is intense and in an infant, its manifestations are always violent and worrying for the parents. However, colic is not abnormal since in reality it is a natural reaction of the newborn's body. The latter will indeed start to use his digestive system once he comes out of his mother's womb.
What does colic present in infants?
While adults can also be victims of colic, they can perfectly express their pain. But an infant only has his or her cries to show the pain that this type of disorder causes. Thus, when the baby cries for at least 3 hours a day and for at least 3 days a week, it can be thought that he is the victim of colic. Different from the usual crying, the crying resulting from colic is intense and sustained. Other signs such as the folding of his legs against the stomach or a certain stiffness in the leg and abdominal muscles also mark a colic attack. Apart from crises, the infant is nevertheless healthy and eats properly.
Homeopathy to help the baby cope with colic
An infant is a very fragile being who still only consumes breast milk or artificial milk. It is therefore advisable for parents to opt for homeopathy to relieve the pain of their baby suffering from colic. Composed mainly of natural plant extracts used in infinitesimal and well-calculated doses, homeopathic medicines are safe for infants.
The choice can then be made to take 5 granules of Lycopodium clavatum 5 CH in infants with a lot of intestinal gas or 5 granules of Cuprum metallicum 9 CH in the presence of hiccups after each feeding. For babies suffering from constipation and crying a lot, they should be given 5 granules of Nux vomica 9 CH. Finally, in the absence of these indications, it will be possible to administer to the infant 5 granules of Colocynthis 9 CH or 5 granules of Magnesia phosphorica. It should be noted that all these remedies will be given by bottle, at the rate of 5 granules mixed with a little pure water before each feeding.
Exceptional cases of colic requiring medical advice
Although colic is sometimes difficult for babies to bear, which is quite worrying for parents, colic does not necessarily require a medical consultation. On the other hand, if the baby has a fever accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, medical advice is essential. Likewise, if after a day of treatment there is no improvement or if the baby begins to lose weight and especially if blood is present in his stool or urine, consulting a doctor is strongly recommended.