Fight Pain with Magnesia Phosphorica

The homeopathic remedy Magnesia Phosphorica has been designed according to a specific process in order to optimize its antispasmodic and analgesic properties. It is therefore recommended in the treatment of several types of pain.

Magnesia Phosphorica is a homeopathic remedy obtained through the saturation of phosphoric acid transformed into magnesium salt. This remedy is classified as a sensitive strain that mainly treats nerve and spasmodic pain as well as muscle cramps. The homeopathic equivalent of Magnesia Phosphorica is Colocynthis since these two remedies have similar properties in the treatment of pain. However, Magnesia Phosphorica is indicated to cure several other types of pathologies, especially those related to neurovegetative activity.

Magnesia Phosphorica is indicated for the treatment of acute, persistent and often sudden pain, such as painful facial tics or certain forms of facial and supraorbital neuralgia. This remedy also treats spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the face as well as spasms of the eyelids.

The analgesic and antispasmodic properties of Magnesia Phoshorica act in particular on nerve pain around the heart region, particularly in cases of coronary artery disease, angina pectoris or palpitations. This homeopathic medicine mainly treats spasmodic pain accompanied by muscle cramps. It is therefore indicated to relieve the cramps of musicians and writers.

In rheumatology, if the sciatic pain is mainly localized on the right part of the lower back and if it is accompanied by cramps, Magnesia Phosphorica is the most suitable remedy to treat the pathology.

In addition, Magnesia Phosphorica treats headaches, headaches and migraines, as well as dental pain caused by eating foods that are too hot or too cold.

As a

spasmolytic, Magnesia Phosphorica is indicated as a disease-modifying treatment for spasmophilic subjects, particularly those who express physical pain in a violent manner, through screaming and crying. This remedy can be used to treat certain symptoms related to a behavioural disorder, such as stiffness of the limbs and joints or asthma attacks of nervous origin. It also helps stop seizures by treating mild cases of epilepsy. Magnesia Phosphorica can also be used as an anxiolytic for depressed, anxious, angry and moody subjects.


Magnesia Phosphorica is used in gastroenterology to treat stomach cramps, diarrhea and spasmodic colic accompanied by flatulence forcing the subject to bend in half. This homeopathic medicine therefore treats several types of colic, including infant colic, hepatic colic and renal colic. Magnesia Phosphorica is especially recommended when the subject burps without his stomach being full. It is also indicated in case of aerophagia or a swollen belly.


Treatment with Magnesia Phosphorica can be used to control some mild cases of incontinence, especially in those who have a permanent need to urinate, whether they are standing, static or moving. This remedy is also indicated for subjects suffering from bedwetting.

Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, Magnesia Phosphorica treats bladder spasms that cause possible tenesmus or urine retention.

In men, Magnesia Phosphorica is recommended to treat urethral discharge accompanied by pain when urinating.

Following catheterization, Magnesia Phosphorica relieves the pain felt by the subject in his bladder.


Magnesia Phosphorica is the analgesic par excellence for relieving painful periods. In gynaecology, all pain causing cramps is treated with this drug. The latter also treats dysmenorrhea and uterine trenches. It is especially recommended in the case of dark membranous periods, arriving too early and presenting neuralgic ovarialgia.


In obstetrics, Magnesia Phosphorica is used during childbirth to relieve spasmodic pain after delivery. This remedy is especially indicated in the case of extremely painful, spasmodic uterine contractions.

Magnesia Phosphorica can be used to treat high cholesterol as well as several other conditions that may become chronic or permanent. It treats acne, insomnia, chronic bronchitis and nervous pruritus. Thanks to its neurovegetative action, Magnesia Phosphorica can be used as a sedative in case of temporary stress on the eve of an examination, for example, or before going to the dentist.

Dosage regimens for the treatment of pain

To treat nerve pain, it is necessary to take Magnesia Phosphorica 4 CH. The doses should be spaced 4 granules every hour. If the pain is improved by heat, high pressure or being bent in half, the patient should take 5 granules of Magnesia Phosphorica 7 CH, 3 times a day, or even more if necessary.

In case of sudden cramps, Magnesia Phosphorica is most effective when 7 x 7 CH granules are melted in a glass of boiling water, to be drunk in small sips. To use the remedy as a long-term treatment in case of more severe cramps, 3 granules to be taken morning, noon and evening are necessary. In this case, Magnesia Phosphorica will be associated with Cuprum Metallicum. For sciatica pain, it is recommended to take Magnesia Phosphorica at 9 CH.

Dosage in case of gastroenterological pathologies

To treat colic, it is necessary to take Magnesia Phosphorica 15 CH. In case of colic accompanied by stomach cramps, the dilution of the remedy should be between 7 and 9 CH and the doses should be taken close together.

In infants, the treatment of colic should be done with Magnesia Phosphorica 4 CH to be administered at the time of attacks.

Dosages in case of gynaecological pathologies

When the pain of menstruation forces the patient to bend in half, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Magnesia Phosphorica 9 CH in the morning and evening until the spasms stop.

Dosage in case of obstetric disorders

To ensure that the delivery takes place with the minimum of pain, the woman can take 5 granules of Magnesia Phosphorica 9 CH, especially when the pain can only be relieved by positioning herself as a dog. Another dose of 5 granules can be done postpartum when the uterine trenches are too intense.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being