Prepared from the herbaceous plant "St. John's wort" with many virtues, Hypericum Perforatum is effective in treating various pathologies. Since the Middle Ages, St. John's wort was considered a magical plant, also known as "devil hunting", with miraculous properties and chasing away evil spirits. Moreover, thanks to numerous studies that have demonstrated its virtues, this plant is used in homeopathic treatments, due to the composition of Hypericum Perforatum, which is now frequently used to treat many dermatological, neurological and traumatological problems.
St. John's wort is a natural antidepressant and is mainly used to treat neurological disorders such as depression, depression, mood swings and melancholy. Indeed, Hypericum Perforatum is a remarkable antidepressant. While chemical antidepressants act on only one pathway (the regulation of serotonin), Hypericum Perforatum also acts on norepinephrine, gamma-aminobutiric acid and dopamine (the neurotransmitters).
Hypericum Perforatum is also effective in trauma treatments. Indeed, anxiety, dizziness, sleep disorders and headaches in victims of head trauma can be treated with Hypericum Perforatum. The same is true of coccydinia and fibromyalgia (following a trauma to the coccyx). Acting on neurotransmitters, Hypericum Perforatum is also recommended in the treatment of trauma causing nerve pain such as crushing of the extremities, injuries by sharp objects, tooth extraction, bites, punctures, coccyx pain, scar pain, amputation of a limb, etc.
Hypericum Perforatum is also recommended in the treatment of certain dermatological pathologies. Indeed, photosensitization (skin problem due to the hypersensitivity of the integuments to solar rays), photodermatosis (hypersensitivity of the skin to light), shingles, herpes or leucitis can be treated with Hypericum Perforatum. Similarly, pain that occurs after rashes can be cured by this homeopathic treatment. Indeed, Hypericum Perforatum has an effective antiseptic and healing property to heal burns and superficial wounds.
Recommended dosages for neurological problems
The effect of Hypericum Perforatum on neurological problems is visible after 10 to 15 days of treatment. The 30 CH dose should be prescribed with 5 granules at each dose, morning and evening, and the treatment should be continuous for one month. The advantage of Hypericum Perforatum treatment is that even during breastfeeding and pregnancy periods, it can be used. However, the intake of tobacco, mint and coffee are incompatible with this remedy and are therefore not recommended.
Recommended dosages in case of trauma problems
In the event of acute trauma such as a deep cut or tooth extraction, taking 5 granules of Hypericum Perforatum 15 CH spaced 30 to 60 minutes apart can relieve the pain. These doses, over a period of one week, will be spaced out according to the improvement of the symptoms. In combination, Arnica Montana granules can be used to speed up healing.
On the other hand, in the event of serious trauma (head or surgical), the recommended dilution of Hypericum Perforatum is 30 CH, at a rate of two doses per day (morning and evening) of 5 granules. If, in addition to pain, depression appears, Hypericum Perforatum dosed between 4 and 5 CH is the most recommended.
Recommended dosages in case of dermatological problems
For dermatological problems such as shingles or herpes, taking Hypericum Perforatum 9 CH for one month, at a rate of 3 to 4 doses per day of 5 granules can reduce the rashes. In the event of a depressive episode, the recommended dose of Hypericum Perforatum is 5 CH. If the herpes pimples persist and recur too often, the recommended dilution of Hypericum Perforatum is 15 CH, with 5 granules taken every hour. The same applies to treatments for leucitis, photosensitization or photodermatosis, but not more than 8 doses per day (6 to 8 doses). For more effectiveness, Hypericum Perforatum can be combined with Muriaticum Acidum.