Optimizing pre- and post-operative care with homeopathy

Anxiety, anguish, pain and bleeding are all disorders that can occur before or after surgery. To optimize pre- and post-operative care, it is advisable to choose an appropriate homeopathic treatment.

Every year, no less than 200 million surgeries are performed worldwide. These aim to correct physical deformities, repair physical disorders caused by lesions or injuries or to extract or treat a diseased organ. The most commonly performed surgeries today are tooth extractions, eye surgeries, abortions and circumcisions.

Pre- and post-operative symptoms

Regardless of the nature of the surgical operation in question, most of the subjects concerned are anxious at the idea of knowing that a medical procedure will be performed on a part or organ of their body. The uncertainty about the outcome of the operation thus causes more or less significant anxiety in some subjects and it should be noted that this anxiety is even stronger when the patient thinks that he or she may die during or after the surgery. In this case, the anxiety experienced can be accompanied by a multitude of disorders that are mainly characterized by tremors or sensations of contraction in the throat.

Pain, bleeding, haemorrhage, agitation, intestinal transit disorders and fatigue are also post-operative phenomena that occur quite frequently in subjects who have undergone various procedures. In addition, after certain special surgical procedures such as laparotomy, patients may also suffer from mucus accumulating in the bronchi, especially in the case of prolonged bed rest. Finally, following procedures performed under epidurals or following laparoscopies, patients generally suffer from more or less violent and persistent headaches.

Pre-operative homeopathic

remedies Pre-operative homeopathic remedies mainly consist of removing fear, stage fright and anxiety or stopping the tremors that occur in many patients before surgery. Normally, one dose of Arnica montana 9 CH and one dose of Phosphorus 9 CH should be taken daily for three days prior to the procedure in question. However, in the case of tooth extraction, it is strongly recommended to limit yourself to taking Arnica montana so as not to hinder the formation of clots. To combat anxiety accompanied by chest tightness and a feeling of a lump in the throat, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Ignatia amara 9 CH as often as necessary. If, in addition to apprehension, the patient is afraid of the hospital and suffers from agitation, it is advisable to administer 5 granules of Arsenicum Album 9 CH morning and evening. In case of associated tremors, repeated doses of Gelsemium sempervirens 9 CH will help the anxious subject to calm down.

Post-operative homeopathic treatments

Homeopathic remedies should be prescribed according to the patient's condition. In order to facilitate the expectoration of mucus that accumulates in the bronchi and can be particularly painful following an operation affecting the abdominal wall, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Antimonium tartaricum 5 CH three times a day. In case of bleeding or bloody surgery, it is recommended to resort to remedies such as Arnica montana 9 CH or China rubra 9 CH, at the rate of 5 granules three times a day. To promote the resumption of digestive transit following an abdominal operation, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Opium 9 CH three times a day or 5 granules of Raphanus sativus niger 5 CH respecting the same intake frequencies.

As far as the aftermath of tooth extractions is concerned, 5 granules of Hypericum perforatum 15 CH three times a day will limit the adverse effects of the operation, while 5 granules of Millefolium 5 CH will reduce the bleeding that may then occur. After a long surgical procedure, the patient may experience great fatigue which is accompanied by disturbed sleep. With this in mind, a dose of Kalium Phosphoricum 15 CH morning and evening for 15 consecutive days will allow the patient to improve his or her health and regain more vigor. In order to calm the headaches following epidural procedures, it will be possible to take 5 granules of Bryonia alba 7 CH three times a day.

When to see a doctor?

In general, it is advisable to carry out regular medical follow-up after surgery to ensure that the wound does not become infected, that healing continues and that no complications appear. However, in the event of severe bleeding or unbearable pain, it is advisable to consult a doctor urgently.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Homeopathy also helps to reduce pain related to wounds caused by the scalpel. In this case, 5 granules of Staphysagria 9 CH should be taken three times a day until the pain subsides noticeably.

  1. Pre- and post-operative symp ...
  2. Pre-operative homeopathic
  3. Post-operative homeopathic t ...
  4. When to see a doctor?