Alleviating anesthesia and sleep disorders with Opium

Opium has analgesic and sedative properties and is also a very effective remedy for treating intestinal disorders. In addition, there are several ways to use this remedy.

Opium is a psychotropic substance obtained from the latex of the sleeping poppy. In particular, the resins of the seeds of Papaver somniferum are dried to obtain Opium. The latter contains two main categories of alkaloids, namely phenanthrenes and benzylisoquinolines. Only phenanthrenes have effects on the nervous system, while benzylisoquinolines have vasodilatory and antispasmodic properties. The first effect of opium is drowsiness caused by the action of two powerful alkaloids that act on the nervous system, namely codeine and morphine. The latter is mainly present in opium, in the order of 10 to 15% of the total volume. Raw opium is a sticky brown paste that tends to harden on contact with air.


is mainly used as a sedative and analgesic to calm or suppress pain resistant to common analgesics. The morphine contained in opium is a reference analgesic and its action consists of binding to the opiate receptors, which are μ-opioid receptors in the nervous system, spinal cord and belly. Thus, morphine replaces the endogenous peptides, endorphins and enkephalins responsible for pain inhibition. More specifically, the substance P that is the cause of the pain intensity is inhibited by morphine. The action of codeine is quite similar and for this reason it is called a central analgesic. In addition, codeine has a fairly low toxicology rate compared to other analgesics.

Other virtues of opium

Opium has very powerful sedative virtues that are demonstrated in several ways in the subject, such as drowsiness. The narcotic virtues of opium go as far as putting the subject to sleep. Thus, this remedy is recommended by many homeopaths in case of insomnia. The high level of papaverine contained in opium makes it an antispasmodic of choice. In addition, opium remains relatively light in low doses and is widely used in herbal medicine. As for the aniseed tincture of opium or paregoric elixir, its effect on diarrhoea is no longer to be demonstrated. However, Opium granules are also recommended in case of constipation. Finally, Opium is a remedy that is used in homeopathy in case of prolonged obtundation after general anesthesia and in case of delay in the resumption of intestinal transit after surgery.


existence of different varieties of Opium means that their effects vary greatly. Indeed, it is from opium that morphine and codeine are extracted, but it is also from this same product that heroin is illicitly obtained. An overdose is therefore dangerous for your health and the advice of a doctor is always advised. In addition, Opium should be consumed in low doses to prevent the subject from becoming dependent and so that his body can withstand the effects of the drug.

In case of obtundation following general anesthesia, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Opium 30 CH three times a day until the symptoms disappear. In order to facilitate the resumption of digestive transit after an abdominal operation, it is recommended to opt for taking 5 granules of Opium 9 CH three times a day, until the return to normal.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Generally used during surgical operations, Opium can also be used for personal purposes. When cancer patients experience excruciating pain, Opium is injected into the rectum or taken orally.

  1. Opium
  2. Other virtues of opium

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