We have all suffered at different times in our lives from headaches, a condition characterized by a throbbing and unpleasant pain in the cranium. Sometimes diffuse or localized, the pain can appear suddenly or on the contrary set in gradually, until it finally becomes very unbearable. Once the pain has set in, it usually gets worse as soon as the affected person is exposed to exacerbating factors such as light, noise, heat or cold. Although the pain usually subsides after a few hours and does not recur, the headache may come back after a few days and become periodic.
In the vast majority of cases, headaches appear for quite trivial reasons. As a result, a headache is often attributable to emotional upheaval, a change in the pace of life, emotional or professional stress, too much intellectual activity, indigestion or too extreme temperatures. In women, headaches usually occur a few hours before menstruation, indicating that menstruation is coming. Finally, in some cases, it can also be caused by inflammation and underlying conditions such as sinusitis or glaucoma.
The latest medical research indicates that the headache is actually caused by the action of serotonin, a chemical mediator acting in the central nervous system, on the trigeminal nerve, a cranial nerve comprising the ophthalmic nerve and the maxillary nerves. While most headaches are generally not serious, it is important to know that some of them are sometimes caused by much more serious pathologies that require medical follow-up. When headaches occur too frequently and are accompanied by other symptoms, it may be necessary to carry out more in-depth examinations to determine their exact cause. In order to avoid the systematic use of analgesics and analgesics, it is possible to opt for a homeopathic treatment which acts more on the causes of the headache than on the symptoms, thus causing a much more significant relief.
Apart from persistent pain, the symptoms associated with headaches vary most of the time from one individual to another. In some cases, the headache may be throbbing and the pain is pulsatile, i.e. animated by arterial beats. When it comes to a vasomotor headache, it is often possible to observe redness all over the face accompanied by tingling and burning sensations in the cheeks and ears. In the case of a pre-menstrual headache, the pain is rather accompanied by a feeling of swelling in the skull as well as breast tension. As for headaches attributable to intellectual overwork, the associated disorders can be of an eating nature, most often accompanied by memorization difficulties. Finally, the headache may be accompanied by more or less significant pain in the eyes as well as in the maxillary and frontal bones.
Treating vasomotor headache Vasomotor
headache is one of the most common forms of headache. In order to obtain best results, it will be necessary to start treatment at the beginning of the symptoms in order to prevent the pain from intensifying further. If the pain is throbbing and is easily bearable, it is advisable to take only 5 granules of Belladonna 5 Ch. If, on the other hand, it is difficult to bear, then it is recommended to increase the frequency of intake and to take the granules every hour until the symptoms disappear. If the pain is relieved when the subject is immobile and pressure is exerted on the sore area, then 5 granules of Bryonia alba 5 CH should be taken and repeated every hour if necessary. Finally, if the headache is accompanied by a tingling and burning sensation in the cheeks and ears, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Sanguinaria canadensis 7 CH and repeat the intake if the need arises. It should also be noted that the homeopathic treatment of vasomotor headache sometimes involves remedies based on Apis mellifica, Cactus grandiflorus, Cedron, Coffea cruda, Glonoinum and Secale cornutum.
Treating headaches associated with digestive disorders
Headaches caused by indigestion are most often treated with Nux vomica, a remedy particularly indicated in cases of gastric and digestive disorders. As a result, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Nux vomica 9 CH and to repeat the intake every hour, as long as the pain persists. Treatments can also vary depending on the symptoms, although in many cases they include remedies made from Cyclamen europaeum, Iris versicolor, Lycopodium clavatum and Sepia officinalis.
Treating catamenial and premenstrual headache
As this type of headache is associated with premenstrual syndrome, it is advisable to take remedies indicated in case of gynecological disorders. If the headache precedes menstruation and is accompanied by a feeling of swelling in the cranium, then you should take 5 granules of Bovista gigantea three times a day, until the pain finally disappears. If the headache is accompanied by breast tension, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Asterias rubens 5 CH instead until the pain and discomfort subside significantly. If the headache usually disappears at the beginning of menstruation, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Lachesis mutus 9 CH three times a day for the duration of the attack. Finally, if the headache occurs at the time of menstruation, it will be necessary to take 5 granules of Actaea racemosa 9 CH every hour in order to effectively relieve the pain.
Treating headaches associated with intellectual overwork
The treatment of headaches associated with intellectual overwork should generally be spread over a fortnight. But if it turns out that the symptoms do not disappear completely at the end of the two weeks, it will be possible to repeat the treatment for better effectiveness. If the symptoms related to overexertion involve eating disorders, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Anacardium orientale 9 CH twice a day for fifteen days. If the subject has difficulty concentrating and retaining what he or she is learning, it is better to take 5 granules of Kalium phosphoricum 15 CH twice a day for fifteen days. In the case of a recurrent headache, treatment will most often be based on remedies made from Calcarea phosphorica, Phosphoricum acidum and Silicea.
Treating headaches associated with visual disturbances
If the headache is accompanied by eye pain and vision problems, it can be relieved by taking 5 granules of Paris quadrifolia three times a day. In the case of periodic headaches, remedies based on Gelsemium sempervirens, Secale cornutum and Tuberculinum are also indicated.
Treating headache associated with anxiety
When associated with anxiety, headache should be treated with Argentum nitricum and Ignatia amara. If periods of anxiety are often accompanied by spasms, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Ignatia amara 9 CH twice a day. In other cases, it will be possible to take 5 granules of Argentum nitricum 9 CH twice a day to calm the pain.
Treating headaches following epidural anaesthesia
Followingepidural anaesthesia, it sometimes happens that the patient who has undergone the surgical procedure suffers from more or less violent headaches that often disappear permanently after only a few days. If the post-operative treatment put in place is already relatively substantial, it may be useful to use homeopathic remedies that will relieve the pain without tiring the body. As a result, it will be possible to take 5 granules of Bryonia alba 7 CH as well as 5 granules of Hypericum perforatum 5 CH three times a day, or 5 granules of Natrum sulfuricum 15 CH three times a day as well.
When to see a doctor?
If the headache becomes periodic and the pain persists despite all the treatments put in place, it will be necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, if the headache is intense and accompanied by repeated vomiting, dizziness, stiff neck, and visual or auditory hallucinations, it will be imperative to carry out thorough medical examinations to determine the real causes of the headache.