Argentum nitricum to fight against several pathologies

Indicated in the treatment of several pathologies, Argentum nitricum is an effective remedy. It is recommended to alleviate particular symptoms and improve the patient's immune system.

Argentum nitricum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from silver nitrate. This product is chemically synthesized in the laboratory. Diluted and offered in the form of granules, it is used in homeopathy to relieve and treat several pathologies. Argentum nitricum is made from silver nitrate powder, to which excipients are added. Note that the product is presented in several levels of dilution.


nitricum is a homeopathic remedy mainly indicated for subjects with behavioral disorders. A subject who is disordered should consume Argentum nitricum. The subject is often very nervous and impatient in cool weather. In addition, he is usually a victim of stage fright, a condition manifested by agitation, even tremors and possibly the emission of liquid stools. A person with mental disorders suffers from phobias of public places and crowds. He is also afraid of solitude and vast spaces. The subject does not want to be on a slope and does not have the courage to practice certain activities such as skiing.

Treating digestive disorders

People with digestive disorders require treatment with Argenticum nitricum. In the stomach, these disorders manifest themselves as bloating, aerophagia, belching and bloat. The subject has a tendency to eat quickly, suffering from severe stomach pain and even a gastric ulcer. He tries to eat sweets that aggravate the pathology. Diarrhoea occurring after eating or drinking as well as functional colonopathy require treatment with Argentum nitricum. Green stools, which may be accompanied by mucus, which are symptoms generally observed in infants, require treatment with Argenticum nitricum.

Indications in ophthalmology and ENT

Argentum nitricum is a remedy mainly indicated in ENT, especially for patients suffering from conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis and ulceration. A discharge of yellow pus requires treatment with Argentum nitricum. Generally, the remedy is effective from the administration of the first doses. Argentum nitricum is also prescribed in cases of laryngitis and pharyngitis manifested by a sensation of a splinter in the throat. This pathology is frequently observed in singers or speakers.

Indications in gynecology and urology

The application of Argenticum is quite extensive in gynaecology. Indicated mainly to relieve the pain accompanying menstruation, Argenticum is a drug recommended to treat ulcers observed in the cervix. The treatment is recommended for women with bloody discharge. In urology, Argentum nitricum is used for the relief of disorders caused by the emission of urine. The subject suffering from the pathology has a yellow discharge and feels pain as well as irritation.

The recommended dosage

The treatment of digestive disorders requires the intake of Argentum nitricum 9 Ch. The treatment of the pathology requires 5 granules. Depending on the nature of the condition, treatment can last between one and 3 months. For aerogastrics, treatment can last more than 2 weeks and should be discontinued when the patient's condition improves. In infants with green stools, 5 granules should be given for 3 days after bowel movements. In ENT, it is recommended to take 5 granules at a 3-hour interval. It is possible to space out the doses when the patient's condition improves. Urinary and gynaecological disorders require the intake of Argentum nitricum from 9 to 30 Ch, at a rate of 5 granules over a relatively long period of up to 3 months.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine