Fight against stage fright with homeopathy

Frequent and can occur at any age, stage fright is a source of embarrassment for subjects who are victims of this disorder. By choosing to be treated with homeopathy, it is possible to better manage stage fright.

Stage fright is a common phenomenon that manifests itself in various ways depending on the individuals it affects. According to specialists, it is a state of stress that occurs during an exposure situation. Irrational fear, stage fright is a fear of not possessing the ability and ability to achieve something. While stage fright usually disappears when action is taken, it can persist in many people, which can affect the quality of their performance. Sometimes the person concerned tries to hide his or her fear and may subsequently suffer from significant fatigue. If stage fright is quite common, it should be treated when it reaches a certain level.

How does stage fright manifest itself?

Depending on the subject, stage fright can manifest itself in a variety of ways and the symptoms may or may not be combined. People with stage fright may have dry mouth and a tight throat. You may also see a stomach ache and sweaty hands as well as tremors, especially in the knees. If these symptoms persist, vision may be blurred. Skin rashes may also occur and the person becomes cold and feels a desire for warm air or fresh air. She may want to move or on the contrary remain still. One of the most common manifestations is blushing.

What homeopathic treatments should be adopted in case of stage fright?

Stage fright can be treated in various ways and it is according to the symptoms observed that the most appropriate treatment will be chosen. Generally, the same homeopathic remedies will be used whether it is a background treatment or an attack treatment. However, for a basic remedy, the dilution chosen will be between 9 and 30 CH and the doses will be taken weekly. In the event of an attack, the treatment consists of taking granules with a dilution of between 4 and 9 CH. Depending on the level of stage fright, the treatment will start if necessary 6 to 24 hours before the event.

In cases of feverishness, great agitation or intense thirst accompanied by palpitations, it is recommended to resort to Aconitum napellus. If you feel persistent hunger, have memory lapses, and doubt yourself and your abilities, then it is best to resort to Anacardium orientale. People who are constantly worried and who are very meticulous, sometimes even adopting a manic attitude, or those who are pessimistic by nature should resort to Arsenicum album.

In case of anxious agitation accompanied by tremors, emotional diarrhoea, belching and dizziness, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Argentum nitrocum 9 CH three times a day. If the anxious person loses his or her senses due to intense inhibition, suffers from frequent diarrhoea and urinates frequently, then he or she will need to take 5 granules of Gelsemium sempervirens 15 CH three times a day. Finally, in case of spasms, tight throat, knotted stomach and abdominal pain, you should take 5 granules of Ignatia amara 9 CH.

When to see a doctor?

Although there are several homeopathic remedies to manage stage fright, it is sometimes necessary to consult a doctor. Thus, in the event that the symptoms become more complicated, a consultation may be essential. Similarly, if despite the administration of homeopathic remedies, stage fright persists or worsens, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will be responsible for indicating the most appropriate treatment.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Due to the diversity of homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat stage fright, its treatment requires a good knowledge of the patient's symptoms and temperament. Iodum, for example, is recommended for anxious people, while Lycopodium is suitable for choleric people. Natrum muriaticum is suitable for people who are sulky and resentful.

  1. How does stage fright manife ...
  2. What homeopathic treatments ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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