Treating Behavioral Disorders and Stress-Related Pathologies with Ignatia Amara

Ignatia Amara is a remedy widely used in homeopathy given its effectiveness in the treatment of neurosis, as well as stress-related pathologies and disorders.

Ignatia Amara is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the St. Ignatius bean produced by a climbing plant of the Loganiaceae family that comes from the Philippines. The bean is shelled, dried and then macerated in alcohol to obtain Ignatia Amara's mother tincture. Most Ignatia Amara remedies contain some amount of lactose and sucrose, with the exception of the powder, which contains only lactose. Ignatia Amara helps relieve common disorders in irritable and nervous subjects. This remedy is certainly particularly effective for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, but it can also be used to treat many other pathologies.

Ignatia Amara can be used to treat certain behavioral disorders such as anxiety, especially when the subject tends to sigh several times in a relatively short period of time or to become irritated easily. Ignatia Amara is also used to treat grief-related sleep disorders and can be given to people who sleep little but can sleep easily in noise.

This homeopathic medicine also helps relieve stage fright, especially if the person experiences frequent urges to urinate. Ignatia Amara is also recommended for those who easily panic in the face of a more or less frightening situation. Finally, it is the ideal remedy to reduce the manifestations of spasmophilia or depression caused by an emotional shock.

Stress-related pathologies

Ignatia Amara can be prescribed in cases of stress-related pathologies. In particular, it helps to relieve violent migraines during which the patient has the impression that a spike is sinking into his head. The use of Ignatia Amara also helps to reduce headaches caused by too strong an odor or indigestible food. In addition, stress sometimes leads to a dry cough. Ignatia Amara is also indicated in this type of pathology. Painful and spasmodic periods as well as some abdominal pain are also related to stress and can be treated by Ignatia Amara.

Some diseases such as high blood pressure, asthma, gastritis, neck pain and low back pain sometimes occur because of stress and are relieved by taking Ignatia Amara. Finally, tachycardia, aerophagia and lump sensations in the throat are cases where the use of Ignatia Amara is effective.


addition to behavioural disorders and stress-related pathologies, Ignatia Amara can help relieve hot flashes due to menopause, especially those aggravated by emotion. This medication works by restoring physical and psychological balance in postmenopausal women. Another case where Ignatia Amara gives very good results is the treatment of the snacking created by boredom in some children. It is further to be noted that this remedy can moderate appetite and help patients lose weight.

Recommended dosage in case of behavioral disorders

It is recommended to take 5 granules of Ignatia Amara 9 CH per day in case of sleep disorders. And if the subject has enormous difficulty sleeping, the dose can be taken 2 to 3 times a day. For cases of anxiety or stage fright, a dose of Ignatia Amara 9 CH should be taken every morning until the dreaded situation has passed.

For the treatment of depression caused by emotional shock, the dose of Ignatia Amara varies as follows: a dose of 9 CH on the first day, a dose of 12 CH on the 2nd day, another dose of 15 CH on the 3rd day and a dose of 30 CH on the 4th day. Subsequently, if the emotional shock is very old, you should take Ignatia Amara 15 CH or 30 CH at a rate of 2 doses per week over a period of 30 days.

Recommended dosage in case of stress-related pathologies

To relieve stress-related pathologies, it is recommended to take a dose of Ignatia Amara 15 CH per week for 3 months. For stress-related gastric ulcer attacks, 5 granules of Ignatia Amara 15 CH per day should be taken as soon as the disease appears and repeated if necessary.


the aim is to reduce hot flashes due to menopause, it is recommended to take Ignatia Amara 9 CH at a rate of 3 granules per day for the first 3 months, then increase to 5 CH during the following months. To solve snacking problems, it is advisable to take 2 granules of Ignatia Amara 7 CH 3 times a day.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being