Between 6 months and 5 years old, a child can sometimes be prone to seizures also known as sobbing spasms. Usually occurring following a fit of anger, a strong emotion or intense pain, this disorder generally worries parents because of its intensity. Indeed, the child's sobs are interspersed with noisy breathing and the child may become pale, cyanotic or may even lose consciousness. Before the appearance of sobbing, respiratory arrest of varying duration may occur. To alleviate the emotional disorders caused by this pathology, homeopathy remains a treatment of choice.
Associated symptoms
Following strong anger, frustration or trauma, a child prone to sob spasms may present with a whole series of symptoms that vary to a lesser extent. Indeed, after crying a lot, the child may suffer a sudden and momentary cessation of breathing before losing consciousness for a few moments. During apnea, the child may become pale or have cyanosis of the lips and fingers. In some cases, muscle twitches may occur in the arms and legs as well as eye revulsion.
Treatment of emotional disorders
Ignatia Amara 9 CH is one of the most indicated remedies in the treatment of behavioral disorders causing a spasm of sobbing. It should be noted that, in this case, the recommended dose is 5 granules of Ignatia Amara 30 CH every 2 days for 10 days. Depending on the intensity of the associated symptoms, it is possible to take one dose of Ignatia Amara 12 CH every week for several months.
Chamomilla vulgaris 15 CH also helps to reduce the behavioral disorders associated with sobbing spasms. Every day, the child should be given 5 granules of Chamomilla vulgaris 15 CH diluted in a little water for 15 days. At the end of these two weeks, the dose will be reduced to 5 granules that should be administered to the child every Sunday for 2 months. Finally, to calm a sob spasm following a coughing fit, it is recommended to administer 5 granules of Mephitis putorius 9 CH per day for 3 months, while to calm a sob spasm following night terrors, it is recommended to administer 5 granules of Stramonium 15 CH per day for 3 months.
Pain treatment
Chamomilla vulgaris 15 CH is particularly indicated in children who are sensitive to pain. The recommended dosage is then 5 granules per day for a period of 3 months. It should be noted that this homeopathic remedy works most effectively when taken outside of meal and feeding times. In addition, the diet of children who are on a treatment with Chamomilla vulgaris should not contain mint or caffeine under any circumstances.
When to see a doctor?
It is advisable to go to a pediatrician when sob spasms occur as a result of annoyance, pain or fear. In addition, it is also best to consult a doctor if the arms or legs jerk during the attack or if it lasts more than a minute.