Stramonium, a homeopathic remedy specially developed for the nervous system

Stramonium is a homeopathic remedy that is mainly indicated in cases of behavioral disorders. It can be administered to both adults and children.

Stramonium is obtained from the datura stramoine, a toxic plant of the Solanaceae family that contains scopotamine, atropine and hyoscyamine. It is the unripe fruits, flowers and aerial parts of this herb that are used for the preparation of the mother tincture. And for the development of the homeopathic remedy, the latter is diluted so that it is devoid of toxicity and then energized so that it becomes even more effective.


Stramonium treats fever accompanied by chills and high heat in the head and face. In particular, it is prescribed to patients who have a warm body and who suffer from green or yellowish vomiting. It is also used in case of ear infections.

Stramonium is recommended when the tongue swells, the mouth becomes very dry, the saliva is bloody, and the lips are split. It is also effective in relieving localized pain in the abdomen, especially if this part of the body tends to increase in size. In addition, Stramonium can also be used to treat angina pectoris.

Behavioral disorders

Stramonium can be prescribed in case of mood swings, phobia of dogs or insects, jealousy or strong agitation. It is necessary for the treatment of depression and weakness or memory loss. It is beneficial for people who have incoherent ideas especially at night, who start laughing for no reason, who cannot tell the exact size of an object, or who have difficulty concentrating.


a patient breathes poorly and starts to suffocate because his chest is tightening, he should be given Stramonium granules. The latter can also be used for the treatment of asthma, nasopharyngitis and bronchitis accompanied by a feeling of swelling of the tonsils.

Stramonium helps relieve sunstroke as well as recurrent migraines that affect only part of the face. It also gets rid of acne and eczema.

Dosage indicated in case of infections

In case of fever accompanied by redness of the face or dryness of the throat, it is advisable to use Stramonium 15 CH. The recommended dose will then be 5 granules, to be taken 5 to 7 times a day.

Recommended dosage in case of inflammatory syndromes

When the tongue or abdomen is swollen, suck on 5 granules of Stramonium 15 CH every hour and space out if you improve. The same dosage will be followed in case of angina.

Recommended dosage in case of behavioral disorders

To avoid mood swings, optimize difficult concentration and get rid of dog or insect phobia, administer 3 to 5 granules of Stramonium 9 CH at bedtime, for one month. And, to prevent insomnia, this dose must be doubled.

Recommended dosage in case of respiratory problems

In case of nasopharyngitis or bronchitis, melt 5 granules of Stramonium 9 CH in the mouth, 3 times a day. And in case of asthma or spasmodic or suffocating cough, use 5 granules of Stramonium 9 CH each time symptoms appear.


relieve sunstroke and migraines, take 5 granules of Stramonium 15 CH every hour and then gradually space out the doses. But, to get rid of herpes, acne and eczema, use 5 granules of stramonium 15 CH, 5 to 7 times a day.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine