People who suffer from psychomotor agitation are very active, compulsive, anxious and frequently make movements for no reason at all. They find it difficult to sit still or be still, which can be embarrassing or even distressing for those around them.
Symptoms of psychomotor agitation
Psychomotor agitation mainly affects children. It can manifest itself in different ways and is either mild or severe. People who suffer from it continually feel the need to get moving. They wave their arms or swing their feet when they sit. Sometimes they run tirelessly into the room they are in and never manage to sit still. They move around a lot at the table, play with their fingers, feel an object incessantly or get up and sit down all the time. Some psychomotor agitations cause movement of the whole body and prevent the patient from performing a sustained task. It is even possible that they are associated with a phobia or a sleep disorder and are the cause of aggression and/or stamping of anger. This is why children who suffer from it are most often unbearable.
The state of transient agitation
It happens that a child presents a state of temporary psychomotor agitation because of an extenuating circumstance. For example, they may suffer from a sleep disorder after experiencing an upsetting event or become agitated due to a worm infestation. It is also possible that taking certain antibiotics or other allopathic medicines can cause limb agitation.
Treatment of hand agitation and aggression
To reduce hand agitation, administer 5 granules of Kalium Bromatum 15 CH once a day. And, to treat aggression accompanied by excessive salivation, take 5 granules of Mercurius Solubilis 15 CH once a day. The symptoms of this behavioral disorder will then gradually disappear after three months. But, if the disease is severe enough, a treatment based on Natrum muriaticum, Tarentula Hispana, Stramonium or Medorrhinum will be much more effective.
Treatment of transient agitation
A dose of Coffea Cruda 9 H, to be taken at bedtime, will relieve children who become restless because of happy events. A deworming treatment based on Cina 9 CH would also be suitable for those who suffer from a worm infestation. A granule of Zincum metal 9 CH, to be sucked on at bedtime, helps to alleviate behavioral disorders caused by allopathic medicines.
When to see a doctor?
When a child has been suffering from psychomotor agitation for more than three months, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if the behavioural disorder is the cause of a delay in school and the patient is rejected by those around him and especially by his friends. It is also necessary to see a doctor if the symptoms of the disease persist or reappear during treatment.