Treating cough with Coccus cacti

Coccus Cacti is the homeopathic medicine that is suitable for treating chronic or occasional pulmonary pathologies with a risk of infection and aggravation if left untreated.

Coccus Cacti is derived from the female mealybug that has just fertilized but whose eggs have not yet had time to develop. It is a remedy used in homeopathy for the treatment of pathologies encountered in pulmonology and infectiology. Coughs, coughs, especially in winter, and infections are the main diseases that are usually treated with Coccus Cacti.

Cough in general

There are several manifestations of coughing, especially when low temperatures set in. In most cases, Coccus Cacti is still prescribed, but depending on the other symptoms associated with the pathology and individual parameters of each patient. For example, in the case of a wet cough with bronchial secretions, Coccus Cacti is prescribed at 9 CH. The secretions are recognizable by their mucous appearance.

In case of a dry cough followed by no sputum, Coccus Cacti 3 CH should be administered. It is a cough located in the trachea or throat. Coccus Cacti is also prescribed to calm the coughs that accompany whooping cough. In general, whooping coughs are exhausting for the patient and sometimes lead to anxiety attacks. If the coughs are short but the patient seems to be choking on white, viscous sputum, the dilution of the Coccus Cacti to be administered will be 5 to 7 CH.

Cough in infants

Coccus Cacti can also be used in homeopathy to treat coughs in infants. However, it is always advisable to seek the advice of a health professional as to the dosage. As a general rule, if the cough does not show any aggravating symptoms, Coccus Cacti 5 CH can be used. The same dilution is applicable in the case of a fever accompanied by nausea and vomiting that does not occur at the time of coughing. If the infant refuses to eat or has difficulty breathing, treatment with Coccus Cacti may be considered.

Respiratory infections

Respiratory infections manifest themselves in several ways, but the three most common symptoms are runny nose, irritation in the throat and a feeling of suffocation in the bronchial tubes. Thanks to Coccus Cacti, we can treat ourselves on these three fronts. If the nasal discharge is filamentous and whitish, the patient should take Coccus Cacti 7 CH at a rate of 5 capsules every 3 hours. The alternative is to take Coccus Cacti 7 CH in the same dosage in the morning and before sleep if it is a chronic respiratory problem.

When the state of health improves, the remedy can be spaced out. If the discharge from the nose is rather yellowish and thick, Coccus Cacti can still be administered. In case of an irritated throat such as a tickling sensation in the throat with thick mucous sputum, Coccus Cacti is the suitable remedy in homeopathy. Sometimes the patient has the impression that his uvula is stretched, thus encouraging him to vomit, and that his palate is sensitive even when brushing his teeth. Muddy cough frequently causes suffocation, especially upon waking when the mucus is clogged with sputum.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


The prescription of Coccus Cacti depends on the manifestations of the respiratory infection and the age of the subject. Therefore, it is advisable to always refer to a doctor for the appropriate dosages in order to benefit from better treatment and avoid overdose problems.

  1. Cough in general
  2. Cough in infants
  3. Respiratory infections

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