Corallium Rubrum, an effective remedy for the treatment of infectious diseases

Particularly effective in treating infections affecting the respiratory tract, Corallium Rubrum is a homeopathic remedy made from the skeleton of the red coral.

Red coral is an animal belonging to the cnidarian family. The skeleton of this animal, red in colour, is covered with a hard calcareous material. This material is used in homeopathy for the development of a medicine, Corallium Rubrum. To do this, the skeleton is first finely ground before being crushed in order to obtain a solution. This is then diluted several times. Between each dilution, the solution is vigorously agitated. These dynamizations are an important step in the preparation of homeopathic medicines because they allow the therapeutic properties of the remedies to be preserved and strengthened. Corallium Rubrum can be used to treat many infectious diseases.


The therapeutic properties of Corallium Rubrum are particularly effective in eradicating symptoms resulting from damage to the respiratory tract by an infectious microorganism. This viral attack manifests itself through inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose (coryza), nasopharyngitis (rhino-pharyngitis) and sinus (sinusitis), nasal obstruction or discharge, sneezing and coughing. The medicinal virtues of this remedy allow it to cure different kinds of coughs: wet or dry, violent or spasmodic, accompanied by mucus, etc.

Corallium Rubrum is therefore indicated for the treatment of whooping cough. Bordet-Gengou's bacillus or Bordetella Pertussis is the pathogen of this infectious disease located in the respiratory tract. It is characterized by spasmodic coughing fits against which Corallium Rubrum is particularly effective. It should be noted that Corallium Rubrum can be used to treat many other respiratory tract infections. Thus, it can be prescribed to reduce residual coughs and nasal discharge following the presence of rhinovirus, the pathogen of rhinitis. The administration of Corallium Rubrum is also recommended for the alleviation of a cough aggravated by cold. This disease caused by the respiratory syncitial virus can cause respiratory discomfort and fever.

Recommended dosage in case of infectious pathologies

In the event that the patient has whooping cough and when the coughs are spasmodic and violent with mucus, it is recommended to take five granules of Corallium Rubrum 9 CH after each coughing fit. If the coughing fits recur quite frequently because of the cold, a dose of Corallium Rubrum 15 or 30 CH should be taken.

For nasopharyngitis, some symptomatic manifestations are aggravated by fresh air, especially in children. In this case, the dosage is two granules of Corallium Rubrum 5 CH three times a day. Symptoms characterized by coughing fits and mucus in the throat require the intake of three granules of Corallium Rubrum 4 CH every hour with spacing of the doses as the manifestations subside. Corallium Rubrum 7 CH is very effective against runny nose during a cold. The patient will then have to take three granules a day, preferably before meals.


viral infections manifest themselves as a cough. Corallium Rubrum can treat these cases, regardless of the form of the cough. In the case of an explosive cough in which the patient shows cyanosis and signs of fatigue, it is recommended to administer three granules of Corallium Rubrum 4 CH four to five times a day. If he wakes up in the morning with a more intense cough when he is leaning forward, he should be given a dose of Corallium Rubrum 15 or 30 CH. A dry cough at bedtime requires five granules of Corallium Rubrum 5 CH four times a day. In the presence of a wet cough, the dosage consists of taking three to five granules of Corallium Rubrum 5 CH per day depending on the fits.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Corallium Rubrum is also used to reduce pain. Thus, it is a valuable therapeutic aid in the presence of painful swelling of the glands or in the case of pain sensations in the head and eyes.

  1. Infectiology
  2. Recommended dosage in case o ...
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