Relieving coughs with homeopathy

Many homeopathic remedies are effective in relieving coughs, whether they are dry, chronic, or wet and/or whether or not they are the result of an illness.

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps flush out phlegm, irritants and pathogenic germs. It is a convulsive form of exhalation also used by the body to spit out a foreign body or food that has passed into the trachea. However, since it causes droplets of saliva to be projected, coughing is a factor in contagion.

Symptoms of cough

There are four main forms of cough, including dry cough, chronic cough, wet cough and medicated cough. Also called an acute cough, a dry cough is only short-lived and does not cause mucus to pass out. However, as it can be spasmodic, it increases the extent of the lesions located in the throat. A dry cough is different from a chronic cough. The latter can last for more than 8 weeks and is most often accompanied by wheezing, sputum and/or dyspnea on exertion. Even without cooling, it is frequent and repetitive. Smokers in particular are prone to chronic coughs. Wet coughs, on the other hand, are either acute or chronic and allow the airways to be cleared. It is also characterized by sputum. Finally, as for the medical cough, it results from taking a medication.

How to relieve dry cough?

If the dry cough occurs after a cold, or is accompanied by a burning in the throat and is very noisy, take 3 granules of Spongia tosta 5 CH, 3 to 5 times a day. However, if it worsens when the patient inhales fresh air and is due to an itching sensation in the suprasternal hollow, administer 3 granules of Elle Rumex crispus 5 CH, 5 to 6 times a day until the symptoms disappear. In the event that the cough results from a progressive febrile state and chest and sternal pain, use 5 granules of Bryonia alba 5 CH every two hours and space out the doses according to the improvement in the patient's condition.

In addition, to treat laryngitis coughs causing significant inflammation of the nasopharynx, suck 4 granules of Arum triphyllum 5 CH, 3 times a day. To relieve persistent and irritating coughs that dry out the nasal mucosa, melt 3 granules of Sticta pulmonaria 5 CH in the mouth 5 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Finally, to get rid of dry coughs causing total obstruction of the nasal passages and/or choking coughs that occur suddenly, use 3 granules of Sambuscus nigra 5 CH, 4 times a day.

How to relieve chronic cough?

In case of chronic spasmodic cough with dyspnea, resulting from pulmonary sclerosis or emphysema, place under the tongue 5 granules of Cuprum arsenicosum 7 CH 3 times a day until the patient's state of health improves. But, in case of chronic dry cough, take a dose of China at 9 CH, another dose at 12 CH and a final dose at 15 CH, on an empty stomach, for three successive days. In addition, to calm a choking cough, use 3 granules of Cuprum metallicum 5 CH, 4 times a day until the symptoms disappear.

How to relieve a wet cough?

If the wet cough is of asthmatic origin, administer to the patient, three times a day, 5 granules of Blatta orientalis 9 CH - if he is over 3 years old - and 3 granules of Blatta orientalis 9 CH - if he is less than 3 years old, until the state of health improves. In the event that the wet cough is accompanied by a large expectoration of mucus and is the cause of foul breath, take 5 granules of Mercurius solubilis 7 CH, always 3 times a day.

In addition, when the cough worsens in the open air and the patient is subject to nausea and/or has great difficulty expectorating, give him 5 granules of Ipeca 5 CH every quarter of an hour until there is sputum. Finally, the patient can use Drosera 5 CH, at a rate of 3 granules 4 times a day, or Cocus cacti 5 CH, at a rate of 3 granules 6 times a day, to get rid of spasmodic wet coughs.

When to see a doctor?

If a cough persists for several days, it is best to see a doctor. The same applies if the ejected mucus contains blood or its color is unusual. In addition, if the cough lasts 2 months, occurs frequently at night and/or during the day and/or leads to a high fever, weight loss or headache, it is also recommended to come to a medical consultation.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine