Treating ENT conditions with Badiaga

Badiaga is a homeopathic remedy that comes from the freshwater sponge. Its active ingredients are used to treat disorders that affect the ENT sphere.

Badiaga comes from the sponge, which is an asexual animal composed only of endoderm and ectoderm. It feeds exclusively on bacteria and plankton that are available in the aquatic environment.

Badiaga is a homeopathic remedy of animal origin. Indeed, the strain comes from two species of freshwater sponge, namely Ephydatia mulleri L. and Spongila lacunstris L. They are species particularly rich in silica, iodine and silicate. Their skeleton is composed of spongin and elastin fibers.

To obtain the remedy, samples are taken from the dried animal. Badiaga is used in homeopathy thanks to its therapeutic virtues, particularly to treat disorders in the ENT sphere. It is packaged in several forms, including granules or drops.

Badiaga is indicated for treating blepharospame or muscle spasms of the eyes. This disorder often affects the left part of the eye and manifests itself as an involuntary closure of the eyelid. It can also be caused by nervousness. It is sometimes accompanied by spasms of the orbicularis muscles, known as Meige syndrome. Badiaga is also prescribed to treat eye pain that is sometimes felt behind the eyeballs.

In addition, Badiaga is indicated in the treatment of coriza which is triggered by an allergy or a poorly treated cold. Coriza may be accompanied by watery eyes, runny water, and nasal inflammation. Sometimes the patient experiences severe itching at the base of the nose and strong nasal constriction. Asthma attacks can also be observed.

Badiaga is indicated for treating ear disorders. The latter manifest themselves in very weak sounds that gradually become accentuated to become unbearable. It is also prescribed to treat sore throats accompanied by bulging of the tonsils which are very painful. Lymph nodes can form in the neck and the mucus is sometimes bloody.

Badiaga is also indicated to reduce epidermal fissures located near orifices such as the nose or mouth. These conditions that have the appearance of a scar are of bacterial or syphilitic origin. It is also prescribed to relieve scalp irritation and remedy dandruff. Badiaga can also alleviate headaches located on the temples and forehead. Sometimes the pain extends to the eyes, which become mobile and swollen.

Recommended dosages To

treat acute and local disorders that manifest themselves in the ENT sphere, it is advisable to take three granules of Badiaga in a low dilution of 4 CH or 5 CH, three times a day until the patient's condition improves. For chronic diseases, administer a long-term treatment of Badiaga in a strong dilution of 15 CH or 30 CH. Sockets should be spaced apart.

Sore throats accompanied by asthmatic spasmodic coughs can be relieved with Badiaga 5 CH. The dilutions of the remedy and dosage may vary depending on the symptoms. It is up to the therapist to prescribe the treatment that is most appropriate for each case.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Badiaga is also used to treat respiratory illnesses such as spasmodic cough associated with sneezing. It also allows you to have a clear and sharp mind.

  1. Recommended dosages To


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