Kalium Bichromicum, a remedy with analgesic and healing properties

Derived from potassium dichromate, Kalium Bichromicum is a non-toxic homeopathic strain intended to treat several kinds of pain. This remedy also serves to decongest the nose in case of obstruction by pus or mucus.

Kalium Bichromicum is a homeopathic remedy extracted from potassium dichromate. Allergic reactions have been observed in people who regularly handle products containing potassium dichromate, such as paint or cement. However, thanks to a homeopathic process that consists of diluting and energizing the chemical strain, the Kalium Bichromicum obtained from potassium dichromate is completely devoid of any toxicity. This homeopathic medicine is generally indicated in the treatment of ulcerative lesions on different parts of the body. However, its field of action is very varied since Kalium Bichromicum is also indicated in the treatment of several other pathologies.


Kalium Bichromicum is used in the treatment of inflammation of the stomach lining, not only for a background treatment but also as a preventive measure. This homeopathic medicine also treats peptic ulcers as well as certain digestive disorders such as dyspepsia. In addition, its scope of action extends to the treatment of oral aphthoses that hinder the digestion process.

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

The homeopathic doctor prescribes Kalium Bichromicum to treat mucopurulent nasal discharge that is yellow or greenish-yellow in color, causing coughing fits. Patients suffering from this pathology have thick rhinorrhea, adhering to the mucous membranes and accompanied by some traces of blood. By decongesting the sinus, Kalium Bichromicum treats, at the same time, maxillary or frontal sinusitis.

In ENT, Kalium Bichromicum is also used to treat inflammation of the uvula in order to prevent a throat infection. Its field of action therefore extends to the treatment of oral infections such as ulcerated canker sores, which are deep and accompanied by foul, thick and viscous saliva.

The use of Kalium Bichromicum is recommended to treat ear infections accompanied by pain that is concentrated in the back of the external ear canal. These ear infections are also manifested by the appearance of viscous and very thick secretions in the ears.


Kalium Bichromicum is used in gynecology for the treatment of greenish-colored purulent discharge coming out of the vulva. These discharges, called leucorrhoea, are thick and are caused by a fungal, parasitic or microbial infection.

The healing properties of Kalium Bichromicum also make it possible to treat ulcerations of the cervix, which are most often accompanied by yellowish discharge causing some irritation to the vaginal walls.


Kalium Bichromicum treats different types of eczema, especially eczema caused by regular contact with cement. This homeopathic remedy is also indicated in the treatment of skin conditions due to streptococci, such as impetigos. In addition, the healing properties of Kalium Bichromicum treat varicose ulcers as well as punchy ulcerations in the mucous membranes and/or skin.

This remedy heals skin lesions on the back of the hands, palms, flexion folds, and forearms. These lesions are usually oozing and crusty or sometimes dry and fissured.


The analgesic properties of Kalium Bichromicum act effectively in the treatment of several types of rheumatic pain, such as elbow pain, which is a pathology better known as "tennis-elbow", or pain related to tendonitis. This remedy is also recommended to soothe sciatic pain and lumbago, especially if these pains are concentrated on the left side of the pelvis. Finally, Kalium Bichromicum treats bone pain, particularly in the heel spur and heel.

Kalium Bichromicum is one of the analgesics indicated to treat headaches, whether localized such as migraines or generalized such as headaches. This remedy also treats localized, erratic, sudden onset and end pain, whether joint or not.

Additional indications

Kalium Bichromicum is also indicated for the treatment of painful erections in men. The ability of this remedy to dry mucus and pus also makes it possible to treat meatitis and urethritis in the male reproductive system.

Dosage in case of gastroenterological pathologies

The dosage is the same for the different gastric pathologies treated with Kalium Bichromicum, at a rate of 5 granules at 9 CH in the morning, at noon and at the end of the evening.

To treat oral aphthoses, it is necessary to take 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum 9 CH every 2 hours, as soon as the first symptoms appear. The doses will be spaced out according to the improvement in the patient's condition.

On the other hand, the treatment of dyspepsia can be done with 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum 5 CH, to be repeated as often as necessary.

Dosages in case of ENT disorders

The recommended dosages for the treatment of sinusitis and purulent rhinorrhea are identical since, in both cases, the patient must take 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum every four hours. However, the dilution of the remedy depends on the goal of the treatment. To stop nasal discharge, the granules must be at a dilution of 15 CH. If, on the other hand, the objective is to promote flow, the dilution must be 9 CH.

The treatment of allergic rhinitis requires taking 5 granules of Kalium bichromicum 9 CH, to be renewed 3 times a day. The patient will then have to space out the doses according to the improvement in his condition.

In case of severe canker sores, the recommended dosage is 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum 5 CH, to be renewed every two hours.

Dosage in case of gynaecological pathologies

To treat leucorrhoea caused by a vulvar infection, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum twice a day. The dilution of the remedy nevertheless depends on the abundance, consistency and colour of the vulvar discharge. The dilution will therefore vary between 7 and 9 CH, depending on the homeopathic doctor's prescriptions.

Dosage in case of dermatological pathologies

The treatment of contact eczema requires the intake of 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum three times a day. If it is a case of highly infected and oozing eczema, the remedy should be 15 CH. On the other hand, if the eczema is dry, the granules should be at a dilution of 9 CH.

To treat varicose ulcers, 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum at 9 Ch are necessary. If the ulcer is hollowed out and well drawn, as if cut with a cookie cutter, the socket should be repeated 2 times a day.

Dosages in case of rheumatological pathologies

The patient should take 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum at a dilution of 7 or 9 CH to alleviate sciatica pain. In case of chronic pain, two doses a day are enough. On the other hand, if the pain is acute, the dose should be repeated four times a day.

The treatment of lumbago will be done with 5 granules of Kalium bichromicum at 5 CH, to be renewed every hour. The doses will then be spaced out with the decrease in the intensity of the symptoms.

Tendonitis should be treated with 5 granules of Kalium Bichromicum at 5 CH, twice daily, when pressure pain is localized. The treatment will last 15 days.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine