Caused by the contraction or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, lumbago is a sharp pain located in the lower back that sometimes spreads to the buttocks and legs. In general, lumbago occurs after a sudden movement, poor posture or sports practice without warming up. Regularly lifting heavy loads is also a factor that can trigger this pain. In many people, lumbago also manifests itself as a blockage in the last vertebrae of the lower back, so much so that it is commonly described as "turning your kidney".
Very often, lumbago results in stiffness and lower back pain. Homeopathy has appropriate remedies to calm the ailment. At the beginning of a lumbago attack, several signs may appear, such as the pain getting worse when the person moves and calming down when he stops all activity. Sometimes, humid weather is also a cause of worsening lumbago while heat improves the symptoms a bit. When the lumbago attack passes, homeopathic treatment is very indicated to relieve secondary pain depending on the case that arises.
Sometimes, the pain is only soothed at bedtime, at rest or by rest. Sometimes the beginning of a movement is very painful, then calms down when the movement (walking in general) is slow and regular. It may happen that the subject is only relieved in a seated position and sometimes by being precisely on a hard seat. Lower back pain can get worse after a long car trip or just sitting for a long time. Some individuals have chronic lumbago. Often, the lower back pain is in the left leg, the right leg and even the stomach.
Homeopathic treatments
An individual suffering from lumbar stiffness followed by severe pain can be relieved by taking 2 granules of Ruta 5 CH and 2 granules of Rhus Toxicodendron 9 CH every hour and alternately. At the beginning of the lumbago attack, it is possible to relieve the acute pain by taking 2 granules every hour, each of the following 3 homeopathic remedies, Ruta graveolens 15 CH, Rhus Toxicodendron 15 CH and Arnica Montana 15 CH. It is advisable to add 2 granules of Dulcamara 9 CH if the humidity accentuates the pain. When movement is a cause of worsening of the lumbogue, the appropriate treatment is to take 2 granules of Bryonia Alba 5 CH and 2 granules of Arnica montana 15 CH every hour until the symptoms disappear.
Once the lumbago attack has passed, any persistent or secondary pain can be treated by taking homeopathic remedies diluted to 9 CH in general. You should take 2 granules 5 times a day for 2 days and reduce to 3 daily doses for the following 10 days. When the pain is soothed by bedtime, rest or slow and regular movement, the corresponding treatments are based on Ammonium muriaticum, Bryonia alba and Calcarea fluorica respectively. If sitting is a factor in pain relief, the recommended treatment is Naturum muriaticum. To this remedy must be added Kalium Carbonium and Bryonia alba to treat the subject whose pains are soothed by sitting on a hard seat. If the car ride worsens the lower back pain, it should be treated with Bellis perennis.
When simply sitting down aggravates the pain, both Cobaltum and Ammonium muriaticum should be taken. Chronic lumbago is treated using Calcarea fluorica. When lumbago reaches the left leg, Kalium bichromicum should be taken; if it is the right leg that is affected, Gnaphallium should be used. It should be noted that the dosage remains that of the post-lumbar crisis previously indicated. In addition, when lumbago spreads to the belly, it is advisable to use 3 granules of Berberis Vulgaris 9 CH 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear.
When to see a doctor?
In the case of lumbago, it is advisable to consult a doctor when the pain persists 3 days after its onset despite the treatment carried out. It is necessary to see this specialist if the lower back pain causes pain in the abdomen, numbs one or both legs and causes urinary and digestive disturbances. If the lumbago is due to a blow or a fall, you should be consulted by a doctor who will be able to clearly assess the extent of the pain. The same is true if the subject with lumbago loses weight or is subject to constant pain.