Relieving sciatica with homeopathy

Sciatic neuralgia is a disease caused mainly by a herniated disc. Characterized by uncomfortable pain, this pathology requires rapid treatment.

Sciatic neuralgia is a pathology that occurs mainly with age and can affect both sexes. It should be noted that sciatic neuralgia is not a pathology in itself, but due to irritation of one of the five roots of the sciatic nerve. In the majority of cases, sciatic neuralgia is caused by a herniated disc. The latter occurs when the discs between the vertebrae are degenerated and let the gelatinous nucleus come out, which leads to irritation of the nerve roots. As we age, the tissue that holds this core becomes brittle and cracks.

How does sciatic neuralgia manifest itself?

In its first stage, sciatic neuralgia manifests itself as a violent pain felt in the lumbar and buttocks and can spread along the thighs or even the legs. Generally, the pain is felt on one side only but can also spread to both sides. Depending on the person, the pain can be alleviated by lying down, in the heat or during a development of effort.

When it is at a fairly advanced stage, sciatic neuralgia can be paralyzing. The patient may also experience severe pain when performing certain movements. Tingling may accompany the pain, giving an unpleasant sensation. In the most severe cases, sciatic neuralgia can lead to temporary paralysis of the lower limbs.

What treatments should be adopted to relieve sciatica neuralgia?

In the event that the patient suffers from back pain, the recommended treatment will be based on Aconite napel. This homeopathic remedy is mainly indicated for people suffering from sciatic neuralgia which tends to improve when they rest or are exposed to heat.

If sciatic neuralgia is associated with emotional stress, if the person suffers from the pathology when exposed to cold and humidity, the indicated treatment will be Colocynthis. If, on the other hand, the sciatic neuralgia is reduced with fresh air, ammonium chlorantum should be treated.

When to see a doctor?

Despite the administration of homeopathic remedies, sciatic neuralgia can persist, especially if the pathology is already at a developed stage. In addition, other symptoms may appear, such as acute numbness, difficulty urinating, inability to bend the legs or a variation in the intensity of the pain. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Indeed, sciatic neuralgia may require surgery without delay.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Homeopathy is an effective solution for the relief of pain related to sciatic neuralgia. Not only do the homeopathic remedies administered reduce the pain felt by the patient as much as possible, but also avoid surgery.

  1. How does sciatic neuralgia m ...
  2. What treatments should be ad ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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