Often recommended in homeopathy, Gnaphalium polycephalum is a remedy prepared from a whole, dried flowering plant called Helichrysum stoechas or yellow everlasting. Being a perennial shrub, it can reach a height of 50 cm with narrow, evergreen foliage. The mother tincture obtained from its preparation will be diluted according to the syndromes experienced by the subject to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment. Very often, Gnaphalium polycephalum is indicated in neurology to treat neuralgia and cramping sensations in the sciatic nerve. But it can also be indicated in case of lower back pain and rheumatism accompanied by sudden pain, sciatica and a feeling of numbness.
The main indications of Gnaphalium polycephalum
Gnaphalium polycephalum is a homeopathic remedy for the treatment of neuralgia accompanied by alternating pain and numbness. This pain can be intense and even extend all the way from the sciatic nerve to the toes. In addition, the remedy can also treat lower back pain with alternating numbness, which is often aggravated by certain movements, mobile and lying down, and which is less noticeable when sitting.
Gnaphalium polycephalum is also prescribed for severe rheumatic pain in the shoulders, elbows and even in the toes. The drug can be given in case of joint pain in the crural nerve such as foot or calf cramps and gout-related pain in the big toe which is often accompanied by external numbness of the affected parts and night sweats. Gnaphalium polycephalum may also be recommended if the patient suffers from lower back pain always associated with numbness.
Recommended dosages
As a general rule, it is best to let the homeopathic doctor implement the most suitable dosage and decide on the duration of the treatment. Consequently, in the event of rheumatic pain, it will be up to the practitioner to determine the doses to be prescribed according to the severity of the pathology and symptoms.
Regarding sciatica or nerve pain, these can be relieved by taking 3 granules of Gnaphalium polycephalum 5 CH three times a day, until the subject's condition improves. Lower back pain should be treated with 5 granules of Gnaphalium polycephalum 5 CH divided into 3 to 4 doses during the day until the pain disappears.