Treating inflammatory syndromes and painful conditions with Kalmia Latifolia

Kalmia Latifolia is essential and extremely effective for the treatment of several conditions. This homeopathic remedy has a significant field of action and varied therapeutic properties.

Kalmia Latifolia is a foliage shrub in the Ericaceae family. Well known by various names such as dwarf laurel, mountain laurel or American laurel, this shrub is native to North America. It is used to develop a homeopathic remedy of plant origin of the same name, Kalmia Latifolia. In accordance with the process of preparation of homeopathic medicines, this strain is macerated in alcohol to obtain the mother tincture. Diluted several times, this mother tincture is also energized in order to maintain the therapeutic effectiveness of this drug. Kalmia Latifolia, made in this way, has healing properties that can be used to treat many pathologies.

Indications in the treatment of pain

Kalmia Latifolia is commonly used in homeopathy to treat the distressing and excruciating sequelae of various symptomatic manifestations. Its medicinal properties reduce and thus reduce dental pain, headaches and ophthalmic migraines. This remedy is also effective in the presence of severe pain in the bones, along the nerves, in certain organs or joints. Kalmia Latifolia is therefore rightly prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies confined to the eyes (iritis) or the heart (myocarditis). But this medication is also recommended in cases of rheumatic diseases and neuralgia, even those that are difficult to bear. These nerve pains are often aggravated by movement and flexion. In short, the pains against which Kalmia Latifolia acts effectively are of various origins (cardiac, rheumatic, etc.), of a dazzling nature and comparable to tingling or tearing.

Recommended dosage for pain treatment

Depending on the different forms of neuralgia, several dilutions of Kalmia Latifolia are prescribed. In 4 CH, the dosage is three granules three times a day when the pain is sharp and sudden. When they are of great intensity like a lightning bolt, five granules three times a day, with a dilution of 7 CH, are recommended. In the presence of a case of shingles, five granules of Kalmia Latifolia 15 CH should be taken three times a day. The administration of three granules of Kalmia Latifolia 9 CH three per day is recommended when the sequelae of shingles manifest themselves as flash pain affecting the path of a nerve. For the treatment of ophthalmic migraine, the dosage is five granules of Kalmia Latifolia 9 CH every hour until the attacks stop.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Kalmia Latifolia has therapeutic virtues on an organic level but also on a psychological level. For this reason, it is also prescribed to treat symptoms that may have somatic aspects, such as in the case of anxiety accompanied by a palpitation.

  1. Indications in the treatment ...
  2. Recommended dosage for pain ...

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