Shingles is a skin condition caused by the virus called Varicella Zoster Virus or VZV. Also responsible for chickenpox, VZV stays for a long time in the nerve ganglia before reactivating as soon as the body's immunity begins to wane. It then passes through the nerve fibers to reach the mucous membranes or the skin to cause painful and uncomfortable eruptions.
Intercostal shingles Intercostal
shingles is the most common form. It manifests itself as lesions that progress in small flare-ups in a well-defined root territory. Lesions on the skin are then observed, with the appearance of scabs that will fall off on their own after a week. We will also see vesicles with pus and microvesicles.
Otitic shingles Otitic
shingles is caused by VZV that reaches the facial nerve. At first, the patient only feels pain in the ear followed by a temporary rash in the outer part of the ear canal. Hearing loss can also occur as a result of dizziness and tinnitus. The infection can even lead to taste loss and facial paralysis.
Ophthalmic shingles
When the reactivation of VZV takes place in the Gaser's ganglion and the virus reaches the V1 branch of the trigeminal nerve, we have ophthalmic shingles. This shingles is noticeable by a rash around the eye and forehead. If the disease affects the cornea, the patient may complain of vision problems.
Complications of shingles
Beyondthese known forms, shingles can progress to certain complications that are difficult for conventional medicine to treat. Apart from severe pain, skin necrosis and localized or generalized superinfection may be observed. Complications of shingles can be blindness or decreased visual acuity. In addition, this disease leaves unsightly scars and the patient may feel strong postherpetic pain.
Burning, pain, and tingling are felt in certain areas of the body. Sometimes the subject experiences peptic pain and may also have a mild fever. For 15 days to a month, vesicular lesions are observed on the patient's skin. The clear fluid in each blister can turn dark and dry out until it forms scabs that then fall off untouched. While the rash usually appears on the chest and progresses to form a girdle, it can be seen in some cases on the arm, forehead, cheeks and around the eye.
Post-herpes symptoms
These are neuralgic complications that occur after the rashes have disappeared. They manifest themselves as severe pain and burning when you touch the area where the rash was spreading. This state can last for months.
Treatment of shingles in its prodomal phase
Prodomal phase is the stage before the appearance of rashes on the skin. The homeopathic remedy indicated in this case is Sulfur. This substance facilitates the appearance of skin rashes. Another remedy is Staphylococcinum.
Treatment of shingles in its acute phase
Large vesicles containing pus can be treated with Cantharis. When excoriated, some vesicles give rise to others and multiply very quickly. Homeopathy treats them with Anagallis arvensis. Vesicles that contain clear fluids are easily destroyed using Rhus toxicodendron. As for the vesicles that can cause ulcerations, they are effectively treated with Rhus vernix.
Apis is particularly indicated for treating vesicular or erythematous eruptions accompanied by edema. Arsenicum album is effective against rashes that hurt particularly during the night. Ophthalmic shingles is treated with Prunus Spinosa.
Treatment during the post-herpes phase
After rashes, sharp but short-lived pain can be treated with Kalmar latifolia. Nerve pain that worsens with shaking or movement is treated with Hypericum perforatum. Vaccinotoxinum can be used to treat cases of nerve pain. We will take 5 granules at 15 or 30 CH, 2 times a day. Magnesia Phosphorica is very useful for severe pain. The patient should take a dose of 15 CH per week after having taken 3 granules of 9 CH for a few days, 2 times a day.
When to see a doctor?
The appearance of the first cutaneous manifestations should lead the subject to consult a doctor. To avoid any complications, he can already go to the doctor as soon as he feels pain and burning sensations. In addition, when he notices that the eye or the face in general is affected by a rash, he must urgently go to see the doctor.