Ranunculus bulbosus is a homeopathic remedy prepared from buttercup. It is mainly in European meadows that this perennial plant proliferates. The whole plant is useful in the manufacture of this remedy. Ranunculus bulbosus is recommended in cases of dermatological diseases of viral origin. However, it also helps to cure other diseases and alleviate different types of pain.
Indications in infectiology
Dermatological diseases caused by viruses such as shingles, chickenpox or herpes are the main indications for Ranunculus bulbosus. These skin conditions are characterized by eruptions of small blisters arranged in clusters and bluish in the case of shingles. In the case of chickenpox, the yellowish fluid present in the vesicles is exteriorized to give way to a crust. These rashes are accompanied by a burning sensation on the skin. They are often found in the path of the nerves.
ENT indications
In ENT, headaches caused by temperature variations are an indication of Ranunculus bulbosus. These are headaches accompanied by eye pain and a feeling of heaviness in the head. Eye pain is localized on the outer part of the right eye. This remedy also helps to evacuate phlegm and stop nasal discharge during nasopharyngitis. Allergic rhinitis with inflammation of the nasal passages and tingling of the nasal walls is also treated with Ranunculus bulbosus.
Treatment of different types of pain with Ranunculus bulbosus
The pain relieved by Ranunculus bulbosus is mainly that which is exacerbated by a drop in temperature and that which increases in intensity when stretching or during a simple movement. Pain that is sensitive on palpation, as well as pain that increases in intensity in the evening, is also indicative of Ranunculus bulbosus. This pain can be located in the face, arms, chest, pit of the stomach, right hypochondrium, back or in the sciatic region. Facial pain is mainly manifested by tingling. Those of the arms often appear suddenly and in the form of tears. They are also accompanied by coldness of the fingers and stiffness of the wrist. Chest pain sensitive to Ranunculus bulbosus is compression-like. They are aggravated by movement, palpation, inhalation and exhalation, but also by cold. The epigastric pains relieved by this remedy are those which are accentuated by touch. As for the pain of the right hypochondrium, it starts under the ribs, on the right, blocks breathing and spreads to the right shoulder. Lower back pain sensitive to this homeopathic medicine is localized to the shoulder blades and manifests itself in the form of a sting. Ranunculus bulbosus also makes morning sciatica pain disappear, causing a stinging or burning sensation. Some ovarian pain caused by temperature variations can also be relieved by this homeopathic remedy. In addition, pain located along the path of the intercostal nerves can also be treated with this remedy. This medication can also relieve urination pain and pollakiuria.
Dosage in case of infectious syndromes
When the viral disease is at the eruption stage, Ranunculus bulbosus 9 CH is recommended. The recommended dosage is 3 granules, to be taken 3 times a day. Ranunculus bulbosus will be most effective if combined with Rhus toxidendron 9 CH and Mezerum 9 CH. If Ranunculus bulbosus is used in the form of drops, it is advisable to take 5 to 10 drops 3 times a day for children. For adults, 20 drops will need to be taken 3 times a day.
ENT dosage
During ENT conditions, it will be preferable to seek the advice of a pharmacist or homeopathic doctor. Indeed, after the evaluation of a patient's symptomatology, it will sometimes be necessary to combine Ranunculus bulbosus with another remedy. In addition, each patient has his or her own sensitivity to this homeopathic substance.
Dosage in the treatment of pain
Each type of pain is relieved by a dilution and a specific dose of Ranunculus bulbosus. However, pain that is accentuated by the damp cold should be treated with a small dilution of the remedy, 4 or 5 CH, and the prescribed dose is to be taken 3 times a day. It will also be recommended to follow the advice of a homeopath to be able to properly target the condition and to use the most appropriate remedies.