Treating infections with Staphylococcinum

Infectious diseases are difficult to cure and recur. The homeopathic remedy Staphylococcinum can effectively treat infections.

Staphylococcinum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the culture of Staphylococcus Aureus. This remedy is one of the homeopathic dilutions obtained from pathogenic elements or secretions. It is used in infectious diseases to relieve pain and cure infections.

Indications in dermatology

Staphylococcinum treats many diseases such as purulent and repetitive abscesses in diabetics. It is effective in treating beard sycosis and facial acne. Staphylococcinum is also used to treat dermatological infections such as impetigo and anthrax. Its homeopathic dilutions can be administered in cases of acute mastitis and acute sepsis. Staphylococcinum can also treat shingles, which is a circumscribed infectious rash.

Treatment indicated for various types of infection

Staphylococcinum is used in ophthalmology to treat styes and acute meningitis caused by staphylococci. It also helps to treat tonsil abscesses. Staphylococcinum is also used for the treatment of prostate abscesses. In pulmonology, it is used to treat lung abscesses as well as purulent pleurisy.

Recommended dosage in dermatology

Treat furunculosis with a dose of Staphylococcinum 9 CH, 1 day per week. Combine this remedy with 5 granules of Hepar Sulfur 7 CH when waking up, 5 granules of Pyrogenium 7 CH at noon and 5 granules of Silicea 7 CH with 5 granules of Anthracinum 7 CH in the evening. If the boil is isolated, take 10 granules of Staphylococcinum 15 CH every 4 days. To treat atopic dermatitis, administer 2 granules of Staphylococcinum, three times a day.

Acne treatment should be chosen based on the symptoms. Staphylococcinum when combined with other homeopathic remedies is also effective. To treat blackheads, take 3 granules of Selenium 5 CH, 3 times a day. To treat pustules, administer 3 Kalium Bromatum 7 CH granules, also 3 times a day. In both cases, each treatment should be combined with the intake of 10 granules of Staphylococcinum 9 CH every Sunday upon waking. However, Staphylococcinum should be alternated with Thuja 9 CH and Graphites 9 CH.

Dosages for other indications

For other acute infections, use a low-dilution remedy. Take 3 granules of Staphylococcinum 5 CH to 15 CH, 3 times a day. For chronic infections, use the high-dilution remedy as 3 x 15 CH to 30 CH Staphylococcinum granules with spaced doses for long-term treatment.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


To treat the onset of shingles, take Staphylococcinum 15 CH at a dose of 1 dose daily for the first 3 days.

  1. Indications in dermatology
  2. Treatment indicated for vari ...
  3. Recommended dosage in dermat ...
  4. Dosages for other indication ...

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