Treating behavioural disorders with Hyoscyamus Niger

Hyoscyamus Niger is a homeopathic remedy of plant origin. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, it is an excellent remedy for treating nervous system disorders.

Hyoscyamus Niger is a medicine of natural origin derived from a plant: the black henbane. Like all plants in the Solanaceae family, it contains toxic substances such as hyoscyamine, atropine and scopolamine, which are alkaloids. Black henbane has been used since ancient times for ritual ceremonies. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has been used to treat coughing fits.

Presentation of the homeopathic remedy Hyoscyamus Niger

Hyoscyamus Niger is a homeopathic remedy whose mother tincture is prepared from the flowering black henbane plant. The plant is recognizable by its hairy appearance and the smell it gives off. It is an annual or biennial plant that originates from Eurasia and grows in wasteland and rubble. It is also called pig bean because of the foul smell it gives off. Hyoscyamus Niger is an all-natural drug so without side effects. For this purpose, it can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Hyoscyamus Niger has a parasympatholic property that acts on the central nervous system. Its seeds, which are rich in alkaloids, give it its spasmolytic properties, but it also has analgesic, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The components of the remedy vary depending on its presentation. Thus, the granules or globule doses of Hyoscyamus Niger contain sucrose and lactose. Liquid remedies such as drops or ampoules consist of hydro-alcoholic solutions. Finally, the powders are made from lactose.

Indications in behavioral disorders

Hyoscyamus Niger is indicated for the treatment of behavioral disorders. To this end, it calms the nervous state that leads to many disorders such as muscle tremors, insomnia and convulsion. Nervousness can be of sentimental origin such as jealousy or disappointment. But it can also be triggered by fear.

Hyoscyamus Niger is administered to individuals who are delirious and chatter intensely. These individuals have a swinging mood and are paranoid. Sometimes they have a fit of laughter accompanied by grimaces. Sometimes mental disorders are accompanied by rage and violence.

Hyoscyamus Niger is also given to young children who suffer from insomnia with nervousness and restlessness. These night terrors occur as a result of excitement or fear following the viewing of an aggressive program on television. Hyoscyamus Niger is also indicated in the following cases: drowsiness followed by insomnia, agitation, hallucinations and even delirium; sensory illusions and hallucinations; Periods of agitation accompanied by obscene comments and/or gestures.

Hyoscyamus Niger is effective in treating spasmodic coughs at night. These coughs are characterized by their aggravation when the subject is in a lying position. Often, the cough is accompanied by spasms resembling whooping cough. The presence of mucus in the larynx and trachea distorts the voice, which becomes hoarse. This remedy is also given to relieve hiccup attacks.

Hyoscyamus Niger is administered in the following cases: muscle spasms and tremors; spasms of the digestive tract; pallor or congestion of the face with slowing or quickening of the pulse; extreme dryness of the tongue and pharynx; spasmodic cough aggravated especially at bedtime and decreased when sitting.

Recommended dosages in case of behavioural problems

For the treatment of behavioural problems, especially nervousness, take Hyoscyamus Niger 15 CH, 1 dose twice a week and for 15 days. To treat night terror in children, administer Hyoscyamus Niger 9 to 15 CH before bedtime. Cannabis withdrawal can cause nervous breakdowns associated with excitement. Relieve these symptoms by administering 3 granules of Hyoscyamus Niger 9 CH, 3 times daily. In case of delirium, administer Hyoscyamus Niger 15 CH, 1 dose per week. The treatment should last one month and can be repeated if the need arises.


calm a night cough or hiccups, take 5 granules of Hyoscyamus Niger 9 CH in the evening before bedtime. It is advisable to take another dose in the event of an attack that recurs during the night. For optimal effect, it is advisable to let the doses or granules melt under the tongue.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


The toxicity of Hyoscyamus Niger is dangerous at certain doses. Overdose can cause spasms, hallucinations, and even respiratory arrest. To this end, it is advisable to respect the dosages that are prescribed by the homeopathic doctor.

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  2. Indications in behavioral di ...
  3. Recommended dosages in case ...

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