Delirium is a disease that occurs in particular following hyperthermia during a fever or in an individual in a state of intoxication. Delirium can also have other causes and the symptoms are distinct.
can be defined as a temporary disturbance of mental faculties. In addition, an individual who suffers from this disease builds a personal image that is in fact unreal. Erotomaniac delirium manifests itself in a subject who believes he is loved and who takes his desires for realities. This desire also translates into an excess of sexual appetite. In women, the object of the delirium can be a person of higher social class, in particular a doctor or a hierarchical superior. Acute delirium is a form of alienation and mental imbalance. It is accompanied by a rise in temperature and extreme agitation. Chronic delirium is observed in chronic hallucinatory psychosis.
Symptoms of delirium
Cotard's syndrome is the set of symptoms of delirium that occur in the elderly. They are melancholic, anxious and are constantly pessimistic. They feel unworthy, guilty, and may have suicidal thoughts. These patients may also be in a depressive state and feel the need to withdraw from social life. In some cases, the subject complains of non-existent pain. Erotomaniac delirium is manifested by excessive behavior of the subject to come into contact with the person who is the object of desire. This symptom may be accompanied by hallucinations.
Homeopathic treatments
To treat fever accompanied by delirium, the patient must take 5 granules of Belladonna 15 to 30 CH approximately every 1/4 hour. If the delirious individual is violent or hitting, it is recommended to administer 3 granules of Belladona 9 CH, 3 times a day. If the patient behaves like a madman, screams and cries, it is necessary to calm these symptoms with Cantharis 9 CH, 3 granules 3 times a day. If the patient has symptoms of delirium related to fear, 5 granules of Cuprum metallicum 15 CH to be taken daily may be effective. A person with delirium may feel a presence in their bed when they go to bed. In this case, 3 granules of Petroleum 9 CH to be taken every hour is the appropriate remedy. In addition, 3 granules of Phosphoricum acidum 9 CH, 2 times a day is the recommended treatment for the patient who presents the symptoms of calm delirium. The homeopathic remedy Hyoscyamus niger with dilution 15 CH also treats delirium whose signs are mood swings and paranoia. One dose of this medication per week, for one month, may improve the patient's condition.
When to see a doctor?
A medical consultation is necessary for a person with melancholic delirium because the subject's life may be in danger. Indeed, he may suffer from malnutrition and may have suicidal tendencies. The doctor may prescribe antidepressants and neuroleptics. In the case of erotomaniac delusions, the disease can progress to chronic hallucinatory psychosis.