Alleviating hiccups with homeopathy

Caused by a sudden contraction of the inspiratory muscles, hiccups can occur in an individual regardless of age. By opting for homeopathic treatments, you can get rid of them and make the most recalcitrant symptoms disappear.

Hiccups are an involuntary reflex characterized by the vibration of the vocal cord. The known origin of hiccups is the distension of the nerves in the diaphragm causing an esophageal nerve spasm. The frequency of a hiccup attack varies from one individual to another and depending on the origin of the stimulation in the phrenic nerves. There are several causes of hiccups that have in common that they are controlled by a few cervical vertebrae, which act as a hiccup center. In most cases, hiccups are blamed on a large meal, excessive carbonated or alcoholic beverages, a sudden change in temperature, smoking, mood swings, and stress.


Hiccups are manifested by spasms of varying duration and frequency. In the case of benign hiccups, the spasm may be jerky and brief. But hiccups are said to be persistent when they last for one or two whole days, and the attacks are repeated repeatedly. When hiccups lead to insomnia or other physiological disorders such as weight loss and last for more than a month or even a whole year, it is called refractory hiccups. In the latter case, hiccups are associated with various symptoms of any disease affecting the diaphragm.

Treatment to stop hiccups

Whether it is a benign hiccup or an attack that recurs at regular intervals, to stop it, homeopathy mainly recommends remedies based on Cyclamen europaeum and Cuprum. The latter can be combined with Hyosciamus niger or Nux vomica, if hiccups occur quite frequently after the meal. Cuprum arsenicosum is a basic treatment used in many cases of hiccups.

Treatment of persistent and refractory hiccups

For cases of hiccups that seem to drag on with repetitive attacks of a fairly long duration, Kali bromatum is a homeopathic solution of approved effectiveness. But if the contraction is difficult to stop, Ranunculus bulbosus can be used to reduce the spasmodic hiccups. It should be noted that in order to alleviate phrenic irritation, the main cause of recalcitrant hiccups, it is necessary to renew the use of remedies.

Management of hiccups in infants

In babies, hiccups can occur unexpectedly and a seizure can drag on for lack of adequate care. In general, a few grains of Cuprum, Hyosciamus or Stramonium are enough to stop an attack. But if hiccups occur occasionally after feeding, we can indicate Teucrium Marum. This remedy is also indicated for cases of hiccups in small gluttons. If the attack alternates with yawning, Ignatia amara can be combined with the other remedies.

When to see a doctor?

In general, hiccups occur and dissipate naturally. However, it is important to see a doctor when the hiccups last abnormally for several minutes or recur regularly during the day. A medical consultation is also essential as soon as hiccups cause burns or visceral pain.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Some cases of refractory hiccups require surgery or prolonged medication. Homeopathy is therefore the most appropriate therapy to treat hiccups without further burdening medical treatments.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Treatment to stop hiccups
  3. Treatment of persistent and ...
  4. Management of hiccups in inf ...
  5. When to see a doctor?

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